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poems Articles

1: beyond the neutral
elastics banners.. forced impressions.. eclectic nuclear blast… family diminished… frozen stereotypes… embellished desires… evaluations.. erroneous… the element of surpr

2: compression
condensation bellows through the crowds of my futurewith the mist of worship

3: center
i  break into a cleanspace of reasoningbeyond the sacrificial rumbles of the un

4: and purely love us
dignity plays softly into the hands of a gentle soul as we dine from the dark forces

5: and purely love us
dignity plays softly into the hands of a gentle soul as we dine from the dark forces

6: golden treasures
shadowed overlays of golden stream treasuresforming throughout the entire blissful earthbeginning with the endand the end responding as the beginningof the Florafox son of righteousnessthe omega with no b

7: savior
i lay here tiredi lay here bleedingi need your touchi need your tranquil whisperfind me there hoping..find me there risking..everything that i amyou’ve become my savioryou’ve become my saviori have no

8: never be the same
bracing the turmoil    brazenly tired in my skini flesh it out of my twenty first century skullwith no apparent pause and with my hand cutto the quick sands of the moons crustthese nail

9: seas of refreshment
the lower extensions of the surface coveringthat controls the unadulterated force that belongs to the finishthese courageous souls who forge through unseen battlesthat invade the atmospheric deviatesh

10: smile at injustice
smile at the injustice let the truth be made knownchildhood broken and stolen but the child inside is new creation for your living trust alonestay forever in the as you mustfinding that hidden tr

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