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Keyword(s):  To search all ads with one or more keywords, each keyword must be separated by one space. To search for ads that contain all of your keywords, select "all" below the search box or select "any" to display ads with any of your keywords. Case is always insensitive. For example, "tUbA" will display all ads that include the word "tuba". Fragmented keyword searches are also allowed. For example, "guit" will most likely result in finding "guitar". To browse ads by category, leave this field blank.

Category:  Select from one of the ten main categories from the "AD CATEGORIES" box on the Home page. More specific subcategories will be available as you continue through your search results. You can also click here to view a complete listing of all categories and subcategories. More categories may also be added as needed or requested.

Order:  When viewing the results of your search, you have the option of listing the newest ads first (descending order by posted date and time) or the oldest ads first (ascending order by posted date and time). By default, the newest ads are displayed first at the top of each list.

Date:  You can find all ads that were placed on a specific date by using a MMDDYY format in the search box. For example, "010299" will find all ads that were placed online on January 2, 1999. Keep in mind that the maximum time that an ad can remain online is 28 days. If you are searching for more than one date at a time, don't forget to change the keyword parameter from "all of these words" to "any of these words".

Ad number:  If you know an ad's unique identification number, type it into the search box, press the "Search" button, and you will be taken directly to that ad.

E-mail address:  Entering a person's electronic mailing address in the search box will display all ads submitted by that person that have not yet expired or been removed.

Viewing results:  When viewing the results of your search, you will have the options of linking from page to page if there are more results to be displayed. By default, ad titles are displayed in maximum increments of 15 per page. To understand the icon(s) next to each title, view the "Icon descriptions" section of our Help files.

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