professor, and a man with a heart for christ
books by stan grenz
add your
we ask this of everyone - how would you define the
"postmodern movement?
is an extremely difficult term to define, largely because the
word carries so many levels of meaning. It is simultaneously a
significant intellectual development and a broad cultural
phenomenon. And it carries both critical or negative and
constructive or positive aspects. But perhaps where all these
strands meet is in the widely-held realization that the guiding
principles and aspirations that characterized Western societies
in the modern era no longer can claim--nor are worthy of
claiming--universal allegiance. This realization, in turn, leads
to both the strong rejection of several aspects of modernity
evident today and the quest we find among people to retrieve
some of the values that were lost during the modern era, such as
"soul," "spirituality," and
what do you see as the top three elements of community in a
postmodern age?
is, of course, a postmodern buzzword, and a term that I have
used extensively in my own writings. Postmodern people do indeed
"crave" community, but unfortunately they so often
settle for "lifestyle enclaves," largely because the
only way they know how to relate to others is as
"consumers." The postmodern condition, therefore,
offers a great opportunity and a grave temptation. The
opportunity is to introduce true community (as far as it is
possible in a broken world). The temptation is to settle for the
consumption of lifestyle enclaves indicative of a consumer
culture. True "community" emerges when people find
themselves connected to a group which functions as a community
of memory (i.e., that tells its past narrative) and a community
of hope (i.e., that anticipates a glorious future). This, in
turn, leads to the kind of on-going fellowship that we all so
strongly desire. Naturally, as a Christian I am convinced that
only the community of Christ can ultimately serve as a true
community in this manner and therefore foster true fellowship.
community is key to a postmodern mind and life, how does evangelism
fit into the whole postmodern lifestyle?
I think the answer is quite simple. In a postmodern context,
evangelism and lifestyle are reciprocally connected. Whether we
like it or not, the way we live is a "commercial" for
the claims we make about Christ. this means that our lifestyle
as a community of those who live out our faith in our
relationships to each other and to others around us is the most
effective evangelistic program we have. For this to happen, we
must live in a manner that both sets us apart from the
superficiality so indicative of life today and yet endears us to
postmoderns who are looking for "the genuine article."
to put a twist out there, who do you say jesus is and why
the advent season through which we have recently moved suggests,
Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. That is, Jesus is the revelation
of the eternal God. But at the same time, he discloses to us
what God created us to be, and thus in him we find true humanity
as well. Not only does Jesus model for us true humanness--what
it means to live as persons before God--he also is our Savior,
for he opens the way for us to live as persons in community with
God and each other.
what is the place of "the evangelical" in a
postmodern world?
by "the evangelical" you mean Christians who call
themselves evangelicals, then I would say that the postmodern
world provides a great opportunity to be truly evangelical. An
evangelical is a person who is convinced that God is in the
transformation business. This message is not only precisely what
postmoderns need to hear, it is what postmoderns long to hear.
The postmodern turn has laid bare the pretensions of modernity,
but postmodernism lacks a message of hope in the midst of the
realization that we live in a fallen world. In the midst of the
apparent triumph of pessimism we are experiencing today,
evangelicals are a people of hope, because we have faith in the
God who raised Christ from the dead and therefore can, by his
Spirit, transform our lives and our world.
"american christianity" is filled with
"stuff" - how do we brake past all the
American Christianity has in many respects bought into the
consumer mentality of contemporary society. But the Christian
faith is not another commodity that can be bought, sold, and
marketed. Rather, it is the life of true
relationships--fellowship with God, with one another as
participants together in Christ's community, and with all
creation. Realizing this and acting on this realization is, I
believe, the way forward.
looking into the future, what "shape" do you see the
church taking in society?
postmodern world is one in which diversity is celebrated.
Diversity, however, is not merely a postmodern value, but a
Christian value that arises out of the biblical vision of the
church. I think the postmodern context, therefore, affords us
the opportunity to recover this glorious vision of the church.
The church of the future, I am suggesting, will be truly
multi-ethnic and multi-generational--not merely in terms of the
people who show up to its public meetings, but in the very way
it lives, worships and serves.
closing thoughts?
people rightly point out that we are living in perilous times.
Yet these are interesting times, challenging times. I believe
that as Christians we can take heart, knowing that the Holy
Spirit is active not only in our lives but also in our world.
Let us therefore pray for wisdom and courage so that we might
live as Christ's disciples and serve our generation to the glory
of God.