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Some random thought:

by john o'keefe


I was sitting around the other day with a group of friends trying to figure out the possibilities of the day – and they seemed endless.  While nothing truly came to the surface, we did figure out that in the climate of the times we could just sit and do nothing.  Therefore, our nothingness produced a “something.”  Besides, nothing is cool and cool is, well, very cool.  In the realm of the nothing we were doing we did, or at least I did, noticed that while we were actually doing nothing, we were actually doing something – a situation that seemed to escape most of the others because they were truly doing “nothing.”  Nevertheless, this “nothingness” or “nothingness/somethingness” that developed caused some interesting thoughts, random thoughts, thoughts that seem to be not connected, but in reality are truly connected – which brings to mind another interesting fact – if nothingness is truly “something” then “randomness” is truly “connected.”  The only problem with radon thought is that we seldom see the connection – but it is there.  The idea that random is not connective, to me, is silly – random is totally connective.  So you see, random is connection, and in turn, connection is random – which is very cool.


In our little group random ideas came to light that I do not remember thinking before.  But then again, my mind works in synoptic random pops of chemical based on limited brain power, so I could have thought them before – just not recorded them in the “record section” of my brain.  I like random thought, I find comfort in the fact that want is seen as random, and defined as random, is in fact, over time – connective and not random at all – which again, is very cool.  For me, thinking in random thought allows me to see connections that I would otherwise miss.  For example, have you ever purchased something on a whim – and then find that you need what you purchased?  Maybe not that day, but say six months from that day?  The random act of the impulsive purchase was actually connected in the long-run – dear I say it?  (very cool).  For me, and in my randomness, I see God working that way.  What we see, or think of, as random and non-connective happenings are in fact connective.  It is just that we may not see the connection in the short term.  Heck, we may never see the connection on this side of eternality.  But you see, in randomness we can find “connectiveness” and for me that is (I know) very cool. 


Think about this – it was in our sitting around doing our “something/nothingness” that I saw a “randomness/connection” idea come to life – causing me to wonder; are they connected?  I means is “nothingness and randomness” connected at some level?  I wonder.  And if they are what does that say for evangelical theology?  think of it this way.  I recently had a discussion with a person who took offence with the idea that God created out of nothingness – for him, and his theological base, nothingness was “evil” and God could not create out of evil.  That got me thinking.  If God always was, always was – from no point did God not exists – then before God created God was around – right?  Therefore, before God created (there was nothingness) and God lived in the “nothingness” – so, how can “nothingness be evil?”  I wonder.  If God takes “nothing,” and creates “something,” and the “something” He creates is “sinful,” (for example, man!) can we say that the “nothing” then was not sinful? 


One thing for sure, randomness is very cool stuff – and it sure can twist a mind.  Here’s a thing to think about, was my sitting with my friends as “random” as it seemed?  Could it truly be a connection that was missed until that moment?  But in it all, randomness is very cool.


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