hooked in with others helps develop your walk. at we believe that community is nit limited to face
to face interactions. community for us can be found on
online chats, message boards and topic boards (both our message
board and topic board can be found in the community
section). community is more them face-to-face, it is
interaction; and not just interaction with those who think and
talk like you - but interaction with people to tick you off and
cause you to think. now that's community. because if
everyone in your community thinks like you, it's a club not a
community. here are some, and we are adding each week - so
keep checking back. if you have a chat group, message
board or topic board you would like to add - let us know.
chat groups: a
secular chat groups
- this group can be ruff, but they are open to hearing
the voices of christians. check them out and see
if this is a chat room where you can be in ministry.
message boards:
boards- this
is exactly what it says it is - our message board. you can
drop a message here for us, or fro a friend, or for anyone you
wish. by doing so we have the opportunity to react to the
questions, and so will others.
topic boards:
board - here's
what we do here - we post a topic, and give you the change to
jump in and voice your concerns. we have, over the past,
posted topics on "is God real?" and "if church
needed?" check out and see what topic we are tossing
around today.
a chat room]