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evangelism that does not work

by punk monkey


recently we have been bantering around the idea of evangelism on the postmodern theology egroup (plug for you to think about joining).  we have bee questioning the idea that the current idea of missionaries, missions giving and evangelism in general is broken and in need of major fixing.  the fact was brought to our attention that while evangelism is not working in the usamerica it is working in other parts of the world.  well, that is when i wrote this:


"i hate to be the one to says it - (not really) - but i do not care about what is happening outside the usa - big whop - the church in usamerica is dieing on the vine - big time - so my question is if we cannot get the church to grow in here, what right do we have to transport our brand of Christianity to the rest of the world?  if the model is not working here - how long do you think it will work over there?

 i am not impressed with any church that sends money overseas while the churches around them die - i am not impressed with "church planting movements" that spend millions overseas and not one penny here - i am not impressed with people who want to plant churches in the heart of africa but will not step foot in the south loop of Chicago - i am not impressed with churches who boast a missions board but have no idea what is happening with the people down the block - i am not impressed with the hearts of people who claim to be sharing the gospel with the world but refuse to share it with the people who live next door.  we have zero right to "spread" the good news when we have no idea what that news is - we need to practice what we preach."


we look to others to share our faith with the world - we shamelessly leave behind our greatest joy, sharing our faith, because it is uncomfortable for us to do so.  we look to others to do what we are required to do - we will write a check to bring the good news to the deepest parts of the world, but we will not even invite a friend to church - go figure.  if our faith is so important that we strive to bring it to the world, why are we afraid to share it with those we live with?


go figure.





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