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family is no longer defined as mom, pop and 2.5 kids.  family in the a postmodern world has many different facets - and they are all God blessed, and Spirit filled.  Parenting is a wonderful thing.  The fact that you have been entrusted with life of a child - God's child is wonderful.  Parenting takes many forms, and we believe all forms are valid in God's eyes; adopted or given birth naturally - or any possible condition in-between.  It does not matter if you are a married, or a single parent, our goal is to help you with solid resources.









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family ministries


www.ccfsa.org - Christian Child and Family Service Association.




http://www.childoflight.org - a great place for uneven yoked families


Internet Filters:





www.FamilySafeViewing.com - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED


Parent/Teacher Resources:






Adoption alternatives:















men's ministries

Craftsmen for Christ  meeting the needs of our neighbors through the love of God.

Cross Walk   lively dialogue and practical resources for daily living for Christian Men.

Ironworks Men's ministry and support group that can be started up in YOUR church.

National Center for Fathering hopes to inspire and equip men to be better fathers. 

Promise Keepers  we added this because some men truly enjoy the experience.

World Wide Network of Christian Men the large website for married and single men.



women's ministries

Above Rubies encouraging women in their high calling as wives, mothers, and homemakers. 

Gateway to Joy women to consider their roles and responsibilities in light of biblical principles.

Journey of Joy Helping women around the world find greater love, joy and acceptance.

Living Tapestry The mission of Living

New Life Ministries Prayer, intercession, helps for those who are struggling with infertility

Single Sisters Ministry devoted to supporting and encouraging single women in the body of Christ.

Sisters the use of e-mail and the telephone to put women with special needs into contact with other

Tapestry is dedicated to encouraging and supporting women in their daily struggles 

A Woman's Voice International committed to defending the dignity of women worldwide. 

Christian Family and Marriage Lots of resources here for couples and parents

Crown Ministries on the Web Dedicated to teaching financial faithfulness

Family Life Bringing Timeless Principles Home. 

Focus on the Family, Canada The Canadian website for James Dobson's powerful ministry.

Rejoice Ministries a marriage restoration ministry

Word Giver Ministries Columns for mothers and fathers, bible studies, chat rooms, etc.

Unequally Yoked for unequally yoked Christians, with TWO "Encouragement" support groups



children's ministries

Apple Dumpling Camp sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through service to others.

Bean Town Cool stuff including a continuing adventure story for children

Bible Stories for Children 

Christian Links for Kids and Teens Great place for the whole family to stop by and visit

Children's Ministry Large links listing of sites suitable for children.  Good start point!

Children's Ministry Today 

Christian Children's Page Lots of fun things to do and explore on this site. Have fun.

Dinosaur Man Children's Ministry with some fun on line activities.

Family4Him Fun Page Coloring pages you can print off the computer.

Kids Korner Bible Studies for kids

Kids Talk An on line ministry from Children's Bible Hour

Kid's Quest A great interactive site for children!

Paradoxes Question Club a place for kids to submit questions about God and the world we live in .

Live the Life devotions, chat, and other activities for younger teens.

Praise Place Christian Clowning & Children's Church

Sassy's Place for Kids A safe place for children to visit on the net. Lots of interactive pages.



youth ministries

Curt's Christian Resources for Youth Ministry youth resources for studies

EGAD! Visit this site for some fresh fun ideas that come with a message.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes  athletics as its avenue to impact the world for Christ.

Fire Power Links, chat, message board and other goodies for youth.

Live the life On line ministry of Youth For Christ.

No Compromise A UK youth worship service meeting, the website has great links and information.

Passion4Purity  is a group of TEENS who have committed themselves to GOD

Quiet Thunder Using fresh eye catching graphics and a intense message

Race Ministries is dedicated to bringing information and ideas to teens and all ages 

Reaching Generation Y for Jesus how to reach the generation known as Generation Y

See You at the Pole Christian Youth intercede for their country, their city, and their school.

Teen Challenge An excellent program for troubled youth.

Teens for Christ Chat rooms, fellowship and encouragement to teenagers by teenagers.


Teen Meet is dedicated to making the Internet a great place for Christian teens...


click here to 


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