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the rewrite project















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the rewrite project 


the complete book or romans

the first letter of john (1 john) 


the "rewrite project" is a project where we have taken the scripture (all over time) and tried to "bring it home."  here are the basic guidelines for the project:


1.  the rewriting is not seen as scripture and must only be viewed as a lesson and not to develop doctrine.

2.  the following is an example of words that will be changed, and the words they will be changed with:


Jew changed to Christian

Law changed to Grace

Circumcise changed to Baptism

other words will be added as time moves on


3.  we are not trying to change gender of create a "politically correct" writing.

4.  we will try to italicize any words changed, but we encourage you to read our rewrite in connection with your favorite edition.

5.  we are using several editions of scripture, including the original greek, and we are in prayer concerning what we write.

6.  our desire is not to insult, but to create conversation.  as such we are open to hearing what you think and what you believe it is all about.


remember this, this is a "paraphrase" and not a literal translation - it is not a word for word translation - this paraphrase is from the heart of our heart.  over the past we have received emails from people telling us that this is wrong - to change the words as we are in some cases and to use current language - to those we, with all the love and grace we can muster, say - get a grip.  we are not recommending this for anything but reading.  we pray it opens your eyes and heart, but we are not calling this "scripture."  though we do feel that we are being driven by the holy spirit to complete this project.  once we are complete we will be seeking a publisher to publish this work - so, if you know of one, tell them about this - we are looking at doing other letters as well.


current work [click here]

updated edition of romans [click here]


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