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by sunny pisenti


The path ahead seems so dark

The road is narrow, nowhere to park

We must have faith to travel far

You watch the heavens for the guiding star


He has gone before us to make the way

That we could someday reach him, and stay

Be sincere and align yourself

Do not get stuck up on a shelf


Our world holds temptations galore

But you hold the key that opens any door

Put yourself in fellowship again

Ask to be forgiven for all those sins


It’s a matter of faith, a simple fact

But some have found in this they lack

Committing yourself may be hard for you

Did you look at what Jesus had to do?


To live and to die there is a reason

We just need to believe for all the seasons

He is there waiting for us to call

He will do it for us, forgive us it all


Faith & Love, such simple terms

So hard to swallow, those wiggly worms

But, persevere for we can make it through

Because he has said, “I love you”.




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