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 we have placed the studies in the order they appear in the scripture.  we "quote" based on the following format.  book or letter, section (large number), line (as appears in a traditional bible); page you will find the scripture in the message - we like the idea of the page - it forces us to read what comes before and after, and not just a single line.  all our studies are offered in biblical context.  this means we try hard not to take a line and make it a rule - it's an all or nothing thing for us.



section 4:

lines 26-28; page 410 of the message: is it alright to get angry?  sure it is, as along as we don't use that anger for retaliation or to cause pain of any kind, or on any one.  but keep in mind that anger will eat away at your soul and your heart.  it can, and will, blind you, causing you to live a miserable life.


i had an uncle tome.  he was a teacher in the inner city of new york for over 30 years.  over that time i saw his anger build until it became the center of his life and the focus of all that he hated, and he hated everything (everyone who was not him).


one year, while driving from las vegas to vermont, we decided to stop in for a visit.  our families had not seen each other for a lot of years and this was an opportunity to catch-up on everything that happened.  we started by showing a video tape of all the family members.  as usual, uncle tom had something negative to say about everything - but it truly hit the fan when we got to the section where my sister and new brother-in-law were sharing a message. 


as my brother-in-law came of the screen uncle tom jumped, shouting at the top of his lungs, "the boy is a nig---!"  my brother-in-law is a african american.  the rest of our stay was horrible.  i was able to see first hand how anger can rip your life apart.  his anger caused him to miss so much in life.  so, can you get angry?  sure you can - just don't let the sun go down on your anger, because you will allow the enemy to grab hold and run.





this is where life starts to get interesting 

 the book of ephesians






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