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 we have placed the studies in the order they appear in the scripture.  we "quote" based on the following format.  book or letter, section (large number), line (as appears in a traditional bible); page you will find the scripture in the message - we like the idea of the page - it forces us to read what comes before and after, and not just a single line.  all our studies are offered in biblical context.  this means we try hard not to take a line and make it a rule - it's an all or nothing thing for us.



section 2:

section 2, lines 1-4; page 483 of the message:  how do you count your friends?  do you hang with people who fit your social status?  do you hang with people your own age?  do you hang with people who look good?  if i were to attend your church would i be welcomed?  if you were to meet me today, could we be friends?  in james' letter to the 12 tribes, he asks those very questions - not in worlds, but in narrative.  a man enters your church and he is dressed tight, are you impressed?  do you give him the best seat in the house?


i have a friend who was searching to "land a big one."  she wanted to marry a rich man.  one day she was at a local carwash and she had her chance.  as she was waiting for her car to be dried, she noticed this great looking guy sitting on the side reading the wall street journal.  he was dressed in a very expensive suit and had his leather briefcase with him.  she also noticed a great rolls royce being dried and she felt she needed to make her move, and she did.  with in ten minutes, she had his phone number and he had hers.  when her car was finished, she started to get in and drive away.  as she did she looked back and noticed her prince charming was getting into an old beat-up car, and a guy she would not give a second notice to was getting into the rolls - she assumed that the outward appearance insured the wealth she was seeking.  only to find out that the outward does not express the inward.


section 2, lines 14-19; page 484 of the message:  the debate about faith and works is as old as the ages.  one group claims faith saves, while another claims works saves.  who can be right?  both have scriptural support for their point of view, and both claim the other the others are wrong.  who can be right?  well, if you are interested in who is right, this is not the place to find that - all i have to say it this, if you talk about God, but don't act as if God is in your life - your wrong; because they are connected - intertwined - so connected we can not remove them, or think of one over the other.   while others debate over which is important, simply ignore the conversation and put your faith into action.





this is where life starts to get interesting 

 the book of james






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