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 we have placed the studies in the order they appear in the scripture.  we "quote" based on the following format.  book or letter, section (large number), line (as appears in a traditional bible); page you will find the scripture in the message - we like the idea of the page - it forces us to read what comes before and after, and not just a single line.  all our studies are offered in biblical context.  this means we try hard not to take a line and make it a rule - it's an all or nothing thing for us.



jude has no "sections" 

 line 22-23, page 516 of the message:  how's your witness?  how well do you share your faith with others?  if a person was to see you, would they see christ?  if jesus came to you today and asked to use your body for a day so he could walk around and interact with those you know - what would they say changed about you?  if they had no idea what happened, what would they say was different about you?  would they say you were nicer?  softer?  friendlier?  more loving?  willing to listen?  willing to help?  willing to go that extra mile?  or would they say you are exactly the same?  in this weeks reading we are hit with something very much the same.  when we witness, how do we do it?


many people who become christian look to a famous evangelist and say, "that is who i want to be like."  but we should look to christ and say, "that is who i want to be like."  how did jesus share his faith with those around him?  he did not insult (he actually only insulted the religious leaders of his day).  jude brings forward some very important principles:


1.  go easy on those with weak faith:  to many times those who are going through tough faith times are ran out of the community of faith because they are not "as good as us."  i was once speaking to a friend who mentioned that when we put on "the armor" of God we are covered in the front, but our back is exposed.  when we stand in faith, we fall because someone stabs us in the back - we fall because of friendly fire.

2.  go after those who take the wrong way:  we need to "go after" not run from those who live life in sin.  as christian we tend to run from those we see as sinners, but we need to go in and be ready to help.

3.  be tender with sinners, but not soft on sin:  this is a hard one for many christians.  many want to condemn all, but we need to love and help people see God's way - not our way.  when we follow christ, we let christ lead - and we encourage others to follow his lead.







this is where life starts to get interesting 

 the book of jude






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