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 we have placed the studies in the order they appear in the scripture.  we "quote" based on the following format.  book or letter, section (large number), line (as appears in a traditional bible); page you will find the scripture in the message - we like the idea of the page - it forces us to read what comes before and after, and not just a single line.  all our studies are offered in biblical context.  this means we try hard not to take a line and make it a rule - it's an all or nothing thing for us.



section 4:

 lines 10-14; page 421 of the message:  i remember growing-up in the projects.  after my father died, we went from having everything to having nothing in just a few short months.  i can remember hard times, some very hard times; government surplus cheese, food stamps and vouchers for the power company.  hotdogs with mac and cheese was a staple at our home for many years.  it was only when my mother was able to find work that we may have had enough for some hamburger.  sometimes life was good, my mother would find work and we had extra money for some fun stuff; sometimes life was hard, and we would go weeks without elevtic power, or gas for the car.  as i look back, i believe i learned a great deal from the experiences of my youth.  the one thing i believe i learned the most was to be happy with what i had.  but it was not always that way.


i went through life wanting more, and unsatisfied with what i had.  no matter what i had, i wanted more.  this became my ruling patern in life, until i found a relationship with jesus christ.  as i walked deeper into my faith i came to see the beauty in loving what i had, not want others had.  as i walked, life became easier not perfect.  


while knowing i have christ does not make the problems no come.  but knowing i live in a community of faith with other believers i know that will help.  we can count on christ, and we should be able to count on each other.





this is where life starts to get interesting 

 the book of philippians 






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