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"PROOF EVOLUTION IS IN FLUX" emergent evolution: noun: evolution that according to some theories involves the appearance of new characters and qualities at complex levels of organization (as the cell or organism) which cannot be predicted solely from the study of less complex levels (as the atom or molecule) -- [the blog] |
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in mark, Jesus asks a question to peter, one of his stud... more thinking about writing for us? well, anyone can. we are currently accepting articles, poems and stories related to the emerging church. if you are interested in having your voice shared with a large and growing emerging gathering, submit your voice today.
topics of great interest to us at ginkworld: third place and community: what is the role of the church in the public square? the church and the net: what role does the internet have in the church today? worship and art: doing things a bit different? let us know about it so others can learn and do. culture and church: how do the two interact and how can we add to the develop and structure of both?
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