Koinos Community Church
1619 Delaware Ave.
Wyomissing, PA 19610
425.699.5813 fax
planting a church in an emerging/postmodern culture, what do you
think are the key elements of a community of faith in an
emerging/postmodern culture?
is so hard to say what are the key elements of a community of
faith in the emerging culture. I believe ministry and the
work of the Spirit is intensely local, so there probably is not
any format or system that is the same everywhere. At least
there probably should not be. However, some values
that are probably key- humility (not assuming we have God figured
out and realizing we have so much to learn- from even people out
of the church); incarnational ministry (seeking to bless the world
in real tangible ways instead of being against the world);
relational (seeking to know and love and live with each other);
Centered in Christ but not bounded (focusing on the person of
Jesus as the center- however not creating boundaries of who is
allowed in or not); Holistic Disciple-making (seeking to develop
ourselves as holistic learners from Jesus- as opposed to simply
being converts or talking about our spiritual lives).
what do you see as the four (because three is too traditional) to
differences between the community of faith you are serving, and
those churches in your area? We
seek to redeem the cultural and world- others tend to oppose
it and fight it. All people are welcome among us and loved -
while others tend to do that if you live their lifestyle. We
seek to live the best of different Christian traditions- where others
often pick one and stay in it. We are seeking to be
constantly learning and growing- while others seemed to have
wrapped everything up years ago (or so they think). But
enough "us verus them" talk.
is the community you serve connected with a denomination? if
"yes," what do you see as the benefits and problems with
that relationship, and if "no," what do you believe are
the benefits and problems without being connected? Yes,
we are part of a denomination. Benefits - they validate what
we are doing and give us legitimacy. We are not a bunch of
younger people who think we should start a church and so we do.
We have a very old, historical stream of Christianity who endorses
us and validates that God has called us to this. They have
given us some money and resources. As Roxburgh talks about -
us emergents have so much to learn from the liminals (moderns).
They help a lot with teaching us about structure, organization,
wisdom, etc. (many of us have thrown out that baby with the bath
water of not wanting to be about "programs".) They
create a network of prayer and support- and we are helping them
learn about emerging culture. Problems- Most of them don't
fully get us. There is a subtle pressure at times to
fit us into their molds and categories. But the benefits
much outweigh the problems!
what would you say are the two hardest things connected to
planting an emerging/postmodern community of faith?
To build and grow a church- you need structure, organization, and
people who work and give and volunteer to make it happen.
However, emerging people are so afraid of programs, etc. that they
just want to hang out and not do a lot. 2. I am so
oriented to relationships, it is challenging to learn the
organization of ministry.
how does your community of faith develop connections with those
outside the community? Being
involved in our neighborhoods, serving in community organizations,
and some marketing (I know, I am a sellout! ;)
what do you believe are the key elements in an emerging/postmodern
worship service? There aren't
elements- but values. Holistic; centered on formation;
blending different traditions; authentic; communal.
what two key areas of advise would you give to a person looking to
plant a community of faith in your area, or any area? Learn
organization. Don't assume you know what people in this area
closing thoughts you would like to share concerning church
open to what God wants to do with the community- it might not be
what you think emerging churches should be like. Learn from
those who went before- we have much to learn from them. Be
humble, you don't know what you are doing!