with us
- here is where you can get info on placing an
ad on ginkworld
to ginkworld - when you ask that we link you, we ask that you
link back to us - never required, but it helps the
community grow |
dna - what we are all about, and a short history of where we
came from |
our founder - who is the guy who founded this mess?
well, if you desire to know a bit more about john o'keefe
this is the link |
us - want to give us your point of view? what to share
with us how twisted some people are? we would love
to hear from you |
people say about us - not everyone likes what we do, and
that is cool - here is a small sample of what people say
about us
of use - this is some of the legal crap we need to put out to
assure you that we are above it all.
policy - more legal stuff. this is where we assure you
that we do not sell your email address or tell others
about who you are. |