gink (gingk) n. Slang:  An odd or peculiar person.  [Cf. dial. E. gink trick]

take a look around, it's not what you think it is




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community church of joy  is open to all seeking


the gathering:  the gathering is a young adult ministry at word of grace.  the gathering community meets on sunday evenings at 6:00pm. [ministry of a larger church]

oro valley

the crossing - a gathering, to reach the soul


Echo Mountain Church - Phoenix - Our mission is to make a positive connection between our church and the emerging post-modern culture in our community and to connect the people within our church to each other as a spiritual community.

genesis-church  - To become a redemptive, transformative, Christ-centered community, focused on moving people who are far from God into a fully devoted relationship with Jesus Christ.

encounter - We are a small church body. We do our thing. Teaching, prayer and worship. Sunday nights.


the Heights church - Located in Prescott, Arizona. Eclectic community focused on winning, building, and equipping  


crossroads fellowship Crossroads is Scottsdale (AZ) Bible Church's ministry to twenty and thirty-something, they are skeletal, but you can get the idea.

PoMo Pilgrims - A class of 21st century followers of Jesus who meet on the campus of Scottsdale Bible Church on Sundays who are committed to permeate the community with the good news of Christ. Food, Coffee, and Fellowship.

Scottsdale Congregational United Church of Christ – a multi-sensory worship, multimedia, authentic in the moment creations of art as expression: moving meditations, live jazz music, dance, diving deep into scripture...

desert streams chapel - we believe in Jesus. we follow Jesus. and we live to partner with Him in His great love for people. we're a community of believers who's mission is that each heart and each relationship shine His light and each home be His lighthouse shedding the truth of the gospel proclaiming who Jesus is to a world that is lost, confused and hurting. Colossians 1:28 [missions] [small groups] [home groups]


LifePointe Community Christian Church -  A New Non-denominational church coming to Surprise, AZ [missional] [small groups]


the Bridge - meeting at 919 east apache blvd.  we exist to lead people to worship One and love all. authenticity is our goal in worship, service, and life.

praxis church - We are a new church reaching out to the campus of Arizona State University and its surrounding communities. [small groups] [missional]


the gathering - Tucson - We are a community of God-followers in Tucson, AZ. - We live life together with an intentional commitment to the pursuit of godliness in ourselves and each other.

the sanctuary a holistic, christian community (commune, connect, create) [small groups] [missional]



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