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churches are listed by city



Axis - Barrington - Axis is a ministry within Willow Creek for the college and twenty-something crowd, single or married. At Axis you can expect a comfortable environment that is a little bit outside the ordinary.



vineyard champaign Home page for The Vineyard church in Champaign, Illinois



EPIC Chruch - we moved into the Religious Center on the campus of Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville. Meeting times, etc. are the same [hg] [m]


glen carbon 

The Bridge - Glen Carbon - Our purpose is to connect people to God and each other. First, we do that with a contemporary Sunday morning service geared especially for “seekers”, those who are open to God but not necessarily comfortable with traditional religion.


lake zurich

fusion church - Fusion Church is a place where ancient faith connects with current culture. Fusion is a community where people of diverse back grounds and experiences come together to explore the meaning of life and the mystery of God. Everyone is welcomed and loved and every question is taken seriously. We feel a deep sense of compassion for those who are less fortunate than us and take action whenever possible. Our worship style is intimate and free flowing. We allow the Holy Spirit to lead our hearts in praise to God [home groups] [missionsal] 



Community Christian Church - Naperville - Community Christian Church exists to help people find their way back to God through multiplying campuses and churches that celebrate, connect and contribute to the dream of God.



Rockchurch - Peoria - A non-traditional church that extends a hand to the un-churched by using a relevant format such as modern worship, drama sketches, and humorous preaching. A relevant church for real people. Not because we have to...Because we want to!



World Christian Fellowship - Wheaton - WCF is where Wheaton students feel the pulse of God's passion for the world and regulate their own heart to beat in time with God's. 



sanctuary 1010 - as 21st century people rooted in the ancient word of God, we desire to create a safe place for people to experience God on their own terms. [hg] [m] [min] 





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