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sakamuyo fellowship

Sakamuyo Christian Fellowship (SCF) was birthed from a desire to create a place where pastors and church leaders could find both fellowship with other such leaders and  legal credentialing.  We are not creating a typical denomination, in that the organization will not own or operate churches.  Where a denomination is an association of churches, we will be an association of pastors.  However, like a denomination, we do plan to offer ordination credentials and other benefits, such as health insurance.


A web site by church thinkers Bill Easum and Tom Bandy


A site to discuss the nature of ministry, faith, and leadership in the 21st century

portal ministries 

Emergent meets urban resource for churches in relationship with diverse people groups. worship.


 Future Church: Ministry in a Post-Seeker Age, Learn how to leverage culture for the gospel's advantage.

next leader

Next Leadership Association; we want to join hands with a new generation of leaders, encouraging and supporting God’s call to create relevant, emerging faith in postmodern culture. In short, we want to create the future.



at ginkworld we firmly believe "leadership" is defined not by "leading" but by serving; we hold to the reality that jesus never calls anyone to "leadership" but he does call us to "servanthood."  in that, we believe all scripture is "filtered" through the words of jesus. meaning?  if paul is speaking about "being a leader" he means it as jesus taught it, and not as culture teaches it.  in that, we hope these links will be a blessing.