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Many people have differing points of view when it comes to dating.  These options range from "date your mate" to "date in groups" to "date often."  We are striving to bring you information on all options of dating.  Our only criteria is that all options are Christ based, and is supported with Scripture.  for more resources, check our parenting/family page.  please, if you find any of these resources to be more of a "meat market" please let us know - that is not our goal.









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new additions:

adam meet eve  meet christian singles for pen pals, dating, chat, Godly marriage, meet your special, personal adam or eve. view 1000s of matchmaker personals. articles and advice by pastor jim.

Brought Together By God -  www.jeremyonline.net/dating.htm  -  NEW Bible study great for small groups or classes written by Jeremy & Jara Walden.






Christian singles café – (www.christiancafe.com/?id=3597) it has worked for thousands like you.  Relaxed, cozy, and romantic…come on in.  by clicking on the above link you can get a free trial.


Single Adult Ministries  www2.gospelcom.net/nsl/

Single Life Resources  www.slr.org

Kids Hope  www.kidshope.org

Secular site with divorce-related issues:  www.divorcesupport.com

Christian Single Parent Network  www.cspn.org

Information for single parents  www.fsfministries.org

Link to single-adult ministry resources:  www.flash.net/~unclhwrd/sam.htm


dating magazines

Single Adult Ministries Journal
P.O. Box 36670
Colorado Springs, CO 80936


Single Parent Family (a magazine for single parents)
Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80920-1051


Christian Single (a magazine for successful single living)
127 North Avenue
Nashville, TN 37324-0140



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