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welcome to the evolution.  we are an emerging/evolving site exploring what it means to be an apprentice of the jesus in today's world.  we are striving to be a place where our faith and our lives are hyper linked to the organic; we are connective, missional and relational.  our desire is to move in the conversation, to be an active voice while not dominating the conversation.




restoring eden

Restoring Eden empowers Christians of all makes and models to love, serve, and protect God’s creation. We live out the Biblical mandate to “speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves” (Proverbs 31:8) as a grassroots community advocating on behalf of natural habitats, wild species, and indigenous cultures. 

Caledonian Ministries Caledonian Ministries is dedicated to the spreading of the Gospel in Scotland.
missional apologetics The site's purpose is to provide resources for a new paradigm of apologetics that is consistent with the emerging missional church.
urban call winning hearts, planting churches, training leaders... a couple of gen x'ers who wound up in missions working to couple the emergent church in America with the emergent church in Western Europe in church planting partnerships and reinvent missions in the process
portal ministries Emergent meets urban resource for churches in relationship with diverse people groups. worship.
subversive1 Behold the ethereal domain for the writings of Keith Giles. 
iamnext  a place where college students can go to talk about real life issues 
d3 eministry Businesses spend countless resources and man hours developing their IT departments. The information management field has become an essential tool for getting the job done. Sadly many churches and ministry lag behind when it comes to information management. Costs, unknowns, and basic fuddy duddy-ness plague ministries and hinder and IT development.
renascent faith an internet medium that seeks to communicate the Gospel of Christ by connecting faith, culture, and relevance. Through faith, hope, and love, Renascent Faith aims to revive faith within progressive culture.
TEAM SOLID ROCK Christian Strength Team, We break and rip things up to get people's attention so we can tell them about JESUS!


missions is moving past the comfort of your life, and into the mess of living.  it is something all christians are called to do, not just "give money" to.  it stretches us beyond who we are and helps us develop our walk with christ.  so, if all you desire of your faith is to sit for one hour on sunday, this is not the page for you.


as you can see, we have cleaned out this section to make room for places where you can be in mission.  it is not a place where you list missionaries, groups seeking to raise money for missions work, or anything falling short of giving people an opportunity to get involved and get dirty in missions work.



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