am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. I must admit, however, that I am ashamed
of the gospel of my generation. To state from the beginning, I am not a
modernist nor a post modernist. I fall somewhere in the middle. I suppose that
makes me more of a post modernist than not, but that is another day.
Gospel of My Generation As I am on the internet and read and surf and read books
and read, I come across a lot of the same things. The same ideas tossed around
by different people. What are we going to do to reach this generation? How will
we deal with the emerging church? We need to incorporate all these ancient
practices and contemplation to engage the whole body and mind. We must
deconstruct our worship and then strip it to bare essentials only to reconstruct
it with post modern world views, filters, and paradigms. These are the things I
read all over the internet. I have an idea, lets deconstruct our worship to get
rid of all the fluff and then leave it at that. Do we really think that lighting
candles on stage, or meditating on a verse, doing this or that is going to be
the deciding factor in whether a person gets saved or not? Give me a break. I
must be honest, this makes me want to puke. Since when did how we say it become
more important than what we say? Read I Corinthians 1:22-2:5. This pas sage
holds a significant influence in my life for numerous reasons. We must get a hold
of the truth that the testimony of which I speak dignifies the language and
dialect and method of presentation. This may come as a surprise to a lot of
people, but the chances are exactly the same of someone getting saved under
Billy Grahm, Bill Hybles, John Calvin, Tony Campolo, a farmer, or a person who
cannot even read or write. Why? Because it is not us doing the saving. It is not
our methods that bring people to the Lord, it is His power. It is His testimony
through my life that brings people to His side.
do seem to be ashamed of the gospel of Christ these days. We think that it is
not enough. We think that we need to do everything we can to help it, from
telling jokes, to chanting scripture, to who knows what else. People, we must
make a return to the gospel of Christ. It has the power, the "dunamis",
that dynamite power. The power to break down walls and go through whatever we
may perceive as obstacles. It is the power to change lives.
Holmes is a minister and college student in Oklahoma City. He desire is to move
the church back towards it's roots and point people always towards scripture.
Check him out at