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From the Heart

by Ricardo Lopez 


I want to start out by saying that I am not writing this article to offend anyone, or to put down Christianity.


I was a Catholic. My parents raised me as a Catholic. Up until a couple months ago, I stopped practicing my faith. It's not because I decided to be another bratty teenager who feels the need to rebel. I guess the one thing I have always prided myself in is free will.


I believe that everyone has a brain, and therefore has to make their own decisions. Religion is like this: You practice your faith, believe it, and live your life happily. Right? The basis of all religion. Every last religion believes that you have to stay loyal to your religion. You have to believe it. This is what is called a blind faith.


Humans are best known for being gullible. Many are followers, and very few are leaders. But you have leaders, that don't even know what they are talking about. I guess this has been my life as far back as I can remember.


Because I have grown so much, I guess my eyes have been opened. I'm not saying that every Christian is blind. This is not true. Hell, for all I know I'm just talking nonsense. But I guess like the famous quote says: "The key to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself"


This is a prime example of religion. Religion helps you become a better person inside. It brings out the good in people. But I have seen so many hypocrites, that it sickens me. I'm not even ashamed to say that I see this going on in my own family. I guess that is partly a reason that I stop practicing my faith.


I'm not going to bother going back to religion. I've done great without it. I live a fulfilling life, and have 7 very close true friends. I am generous to the needy, and am willing to help people. I fight for the underdogs, though I always make exceptions. I don't help to people I know don't deserve a hand. It's always been like this.


The point of this article is really to explain what Freewill means to me. I don't write this persuade anyone; I write this to show a different view point.


Ricardo is an 8th grader in Las Vegas. He is a straight A student, and he loves to write and voice his opinion. He hopes to become someone later in life, just so long as he is original in his ways.





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