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"my prosaic jesus" ...or "Brown like Shit"  by david sherwood


Barely above a toddler he walked to school. Alone this time, it was his second week of kindergarten. His older sister had walked him to school the previous week, but now he was on his own. Scuffling and meandering down the street, throwing chestnuts, lost in his own world. But the closer he got to the school, the more his gait straightened, and slower his steps went. Like the pathway to Oz this was both a place to pursue…and a place to fear. 


There is a terror, a foretaste of both adulthood and hell that is found in those moments when we find ourselves really alone. Alone and facing the unknown. 


He walked up the cold cement steps, and through the huge oak doors. The biggest doors he had ever seen in his life, doors to a castle, doors that seemed to be the opposite of the doors of home. Doors that lead into fear, competitiveness, failure and the unknown. That’s not how all kids walk through those doors…but it’s how he did. 


Old marble floors, down the dank hallway, and then into his classroom full of strangers. He hangs up his little backpack and coat and takes a dutiful seat at a community table. 


Someday he will walk into an office with a briefcase, hang up his trench coat, and go to his cubicle [veal fattening pen?] and take a dutiful seat in front of a computer. 


And someplace in the middle of a lesson, while the teacher is babbling on about something…he craps his pants. He knew he had to go, he just didn’t know how to ask…how to interrupt the teacher…what the social rules were…and so, unable to hold it any longer he just wiggles around trying desperately to stop his unwilling body and then IT happens. 


IT will happen the rest of his life, in different situations that seem out of control, and although he may not have the same bodily reaction…the effect and feelings will be the same. 


When failing a spouse; when being screamed at by a boss; when we can’t pay the bills; when we are flunking out of school…we just shit ourselves. 


Life isn’t blue like Jazz-it’s brown like shit. 


Finally there is some lull in the teaching and everyone is sent to play. The little ones scurry about like mice grabbing shiny toys as quick as they can and guarding them with fierce malice and screams of panicked injustice. Chaos scrambling across the room in bedlam and insanity. The volume and visual images increase and blur for those poor teachers. 


I hope they took their Zoloft today. 


The boy sees his opportunity and darts across the room and unseen into the bathroom which is located at the end of the large playroom. Looking quickly fore and aft he sneaks in. He pulls down his pants, and examines the damage…it’s pretty bad. And in pulling down his pants and shorts he now has crap on his socks as well. 


What to do? 


He takes off his shoes and kicks them over to the corner. He carefully slips off his pants, trying to not make things any worse. He then removes his underwear…but where to put it? There is a trash can…but no…they would discover that…what to do, he wonders and starts panicking. But then, then there is inspiration. He will flush it down the toilet…then nobody will ever know. Ha! He says to himself in triumphant logical and reason. Well pleased with this idea he puts his soiled shorts in the toilet, along with his socks, and all the toilet paper it takes to clean himself up. He pulls his jeans back up…commando style Sear’s toughskins…brown…thank God. He puts his sneakers back on, checks himself over and smiles and winks in the small mirror. It’s cool. His heart stops racing and he breathes easier. 


He cracks the door open, nobody has noticed his daring deed. He is safe. He rushes back to the toilet and grabs the handle, pulling it hard, and runs out the door for his life. 


He skids into the corner…safe! 


On the other side of the room he is there, oblivious and triumphant with a wry smile on his face…now lost in dreams of the fire truck in his hands. Tom, Nat, and the Z brothers are there as well playing obliviously with their toys. 


Then suddenly. 


Something is wrong. There is an explosion. The teacher is running over to the bathroom. Everything stops, everything slows down…frame by frame…everybody looks around. And then all eyes look towards the bathroom, and a hushed silence lingers in the air like dread and doom before death…the lull or eye of the storm…


Across the room a black death is creeping on the floor. A puddle of brown and yellow is sloshing forward…searching and creeping…pointing and running towards him. 


The teacher is now completely unraveling. She is screaming through an intercom. Janitors fill the room like a swat team…marines…commando’s. Plungers, snakes, mop bucks, wet-vacs…a whirl and swirl of activity while the children are herded into a corner of fear and stunned amusement and amazement. 


And then it is done. And everyone leaves. Only a small glistening on the floor where whence the terror came from, slowly evaporating like a morning mist over a lake. 


The teacher is in the hall, hushed whispering with the men. 


She returns as Gestapo...Sunday School teacher….Boss…Spouse… We sit in our little chairs again. And then she speaks. “Children…someone had an accident in the bathroom. Someone flushed their underwear and socks down the toilet and it backed up…giggles erupt…it’s not funny children, this is not how we behave in school…hushed alarm…I know it was an accident…but who here did this…I really need to know… 


A pin could drop 


And we were all smart enough to know you can’t confess 


And how stupid was she to expect someone to humiliate themselves and brand themselves for life in her little classroom 


We all looked at each other…her…the floor 


And the little guy waited for the strip search of underwear and socks. He wanted to cry, but held it in this time, resolute and stoic…the seeds of manhood germinating in him… 


Finally after an eternal silence she said “ok children, if nobody will talk to me, you can just sit in your chairs and think about it till recess. And if someone wants to talk to me in private you can just come up to the desk [in front of everyone…the peer firing squad]. Tom, Nat, and the Z brothers…along with Pete just waited... eternally…and then went to recess finally. There they all were in the playground fishing around for turn on the swings, and slides, and distractions from learning. 


The rest of the day was long…very long. 


And then it was over, and he walked through the huge doors and down the cold stairs and started to walk home. 


And when he got home, he didn’t go in. Surely mom knew how much he had failed…surely she would figure it out…those eyes, those eyes would see through him. 


He darted into the garage, and by the back tire he sat down and started bawling. The frantic and overwhelming tears of childhood. He curled up next to the tire and cried…and cried…and cried. 


Till finally a voice tracked him down. Mom’s voice. “Petey….honey…where are you” it was clear with a slight wavering fear lilting in it. Third time…forth time…fifth time… “I’m in the garage mommy” he gurgled and mumbled out as a whisper….“I’m in the garage mommy” his voice rising up and out…..


“I’m in the garage mommy!”…..he finally shrieked and stood up wiping his face and trying to be brave. 


The big garage door slid slowly open…and light streamed into the darkness. He stood their in the light, it washed over him with sheer terror, standing as brave as he knew how he awaited his fate…like a toy soldier before a real tank. 


Her face was angry at first. But when she saw him, with his crumpled face and tear-stained eyes she rushed forward with a face drawn with worry. 


What happened, honey…are you hurt…what happened…are you ok. She was now searching him, looking for blood, wounds, marks…but they were all unseen…unfound 


He just fell into her arms…silently 


And she held him…silently 


Finally, when his knuckles were no longer digging into her back with terror he spoke. “I’m ok mommy…I…I…had a bad day.” 


What happened honey, did someone hurt you… 


i……i…..i just had a bad day. 


She sits there with him in the half black and half light of the garage. She measures it…will she push it…will she wait…will she accuse…what will she do. 


He sits there in the darkness…does she know…should he tell…what are some good lies…will I get caught…what will she do. 


And she decides he is frantic enough, and besides she has to leave for work in 20 minutes. So she smiles and carries him inside for some cookies, and plops him in front of the TV. She decides…she will go to work and call her husband later to talk to him…and she will ask tomorrow… 


And she goes to work…and forgets about all of it…forever. 


And he sits in front of the TV…and remembers it… forever.


And he learns. 


Hide…lie…watch TV…distract yourself from your emotions…never let them know your failures…never face the inquisition….never confess… 


They will try to find out…they want to know what you did wrong…humiliation will follow if you tell…


Never fail…never make mistakes…be perfect… 


And that is a lot for a little kid to learn in one day. A strange rite-of-passage ala-shit. It would become the template of his life, that one terrifying day in kindergarten…a template for manhood…a template for his religion someday. Everything I never needed to know I learned in kindergarten. 


A template of lies 


Because we all shit ourselves. But we must become like little children and let our Mom clean it up. We must confess before the one who will not attack us with humiliation and shame…but will overwhelm us with grace and hope…and love. We must believe that even when the toilet stops-up and we are caught…that there is someone there to restore us when we have failed. Someone who will still believe in us when we have failed. Somehow who will smell out what we did…point our nose towards it…but then tell us they still believe in us. A lot of us still need toilet-training of some sort or another. 


And we all fail, and always will. 


And we need somebody to help us confess safely. Someone to help us open up, and let it out…someone to tell the children what life is really like in this cold dark world of templates and torture…someone to show the children what this life can be like when it is filled with compassion, restoration, grace, hope, mercy, and redemption…mostly redemption. 


What would life have been like if he had told her? And what would life have been like if he found out about love and mercy? Who knows, he would have to wait another 10 years before someone would show him that path; and by then the other template had been so deeply rooted that it would take a lifetime to repair it. But now when he shits himself he has somewhere to go…and someone who makes things right. Someone who is faithful and just to forgive us and clean us up when we crap. 


John’s slant with a flourish of poetic, linguistic, and comparative editing and interpretation: Pete, Tom, Nat, the Z brothers, and two other interns were hanging out together. Pete told them all “screw this…. "I'm going fishing." Everybody said, "We're there man." They went out, got a couple 6-packs, some cigars… and got in the boat. They caught nothing that night besides a hangover. When the sun came up, Jay was standing on the fog soaked beach, but they didn't recognize him red-eyes and hung-over as they were; like vampires caught in the stinging shine of the sun with headaches pounding in their heads. Jay yelled to them: "Good morning! Did you losers catch anything for breakfast?" They answered, "No." And waived a certain finger in his direction. He then shouted, "Throw the net off the right side of the boat and see what happens." The hair on the back of their necks stood up, and a cold chill raced down their spine….they had heard those words before…echoing words…. when they were fisherman….before the dream….before the nightmare….before the execution. Without a word they did what he said. All of a sudden there were so many fish in it, they weren't strong enough to pull it in. Then Johnny said to Peter, "Holy Shit…it’s Jay!" When Pete realized who it was , he threw on some clothes, for he was stripped for work, and dove into the sea. The other guys came in by boat for they weren't far from land, a hundred yards or so, pulling along the net full of fish. When they got out of the boat, they saw a campfire laid out, with fish and bread cooking on it. 


Awhile later 


After breakfast, Jay said to Peter, "Pete, do you love me more than these guys?" "Yes, Big guy, you know I love you." And Jay said, "Feed my people." And Pete saw in his mind another campfire a few days ago when he had denied Jay in public. He then asked a second time, "Pete, do you love me?" "Yes, Sir, you know I love you." Jay said, "Lead my people." And Pete saw in his mind his running down the street in tears, and his abandonment of the vision and heading back into his old way of life…leading the guys out here for a night of beer and bad fishing. Then he said it a third time: "Pete, do you love me?" Peter was upset that he asked for the third time, wondering if Jay was reading his mind or knowing what he was feeling, "Do you love me?" so he answered with great tears dripping down his face, "Dude, you know everything there is to know. You've got to know that I love you." Jay said, "Feed my people. And Pete just stood their like a total failure crying. Jay then said “I'm telling you the very truth now: I still believe in you. You abandoned and denied me, and I still believe in you. You failed and shit all over yourself and I still believe in you. Life is going to take you places, and some of them will be hard as hell, some you won’t want to go down. But you won’t screw it up, you’ll nail it when it happens…I know what will happen. And I still believe in you. You’ll never get it perfect but I will always be there for you” 


Pete didn’t get it…in fact he babbled on about other people, trying to escape the scorching grace of the moment. Jay was pissed…but let it go. But later…much later…he got it. So did I. Do you?


about the author

david sherwood www.mosaicfw.org  dsherwood@mosaicfw.org



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