christianity through the world's eyes
Recently I
read about three church leaders, not far from
where I live, who were arrested for raping a
mentally challenged woman in her early 20's. It
was said she had the mind of a 5 year old. Today,
in the opinion section of the local newspaper, I
read something that broke my heart- but opened my
eyes. Concerning the rape of this woman, a man
wrote "christians better run to their bibles,
start praying and preaching to forgive. But don't
worry these men will get off scott free because
they're obviously wonderful loving christians."
seems to me that people have forgotten what the
word "christian" means. Everywhere you
go you hear about some so called
"christians" who have done something
terrible. Christians are portrayed as pushy,
lying, gossiping, hypocrites. When I look through
the world's eyes I can see this also. This breaks
my heart, and I'm sure Jesus has shed his tears
also. Some people who call themselves christians
must be nothing less than insulting to Him. This
is not what he taught us.
christian needs to check themselves. They need to
revaluate what they believe and decide whether or
not they're really living by the standards that
they judge others so harshly by.
is not a middle aged, suit/sunday school dress
wearing, make sure your seen in church on Sunday,
is an everyday walk with Christ. A desire to be
like Him. To never push people, lie, or be a
hypocrite, but to be a friend to all and comfort
the hurting. Most of all, to live what we say we
believe. Even when no one is around.
is not a religion, it's a relationship. And I, for
one, am ready to get back to the basics.
am i: I'm 20 years old and have been
married to a wonderful and supportive man for 2
years. We feel like God wants to use us to open
people's eyes to how much christianity is being corrupted.
We hope to someday have a skate-park youth
ministry. God will provide.