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Can't We All Just Get Along?

by jesuskrazy

A prominent member of a particular approach was nearly murdered after opponents from an opposing group essentially tried to go gangsta on him and those of like mind because his views did not quite meet the opposing group's standards.

A bad episode of "The Sopranos"?


That was the 18th century saga of John Wesley and other Methodist-minded folk having a hit put out on their behinds at the hands of some Calvinists who weren't exactly "feelin" what these brothas had to say about salvation, the Scriptures, etc.

Nevermind my own Calvinist leanings. Not important. What is buggin the daylights out of me, is that though Christians today aren't literally killing those within the Body of Christ because their views may differ, there is a whole lotta hatin' and verbal murderation going on and God is not pleased.

Whether you subscribe to the Westminster Confession's version of Calvinism or the Arminian Remonstrant argument, there has to be a better way of engaging one another without doing drive-by character assassinations on your so-called brothers and sisters in Christ.

I'm rantin' about this because I see this in a number of theological societies, well-respected ones too. Let's be clear: we have a right to defend what we believe is right; however, that doesn't mean we have to do so distastefully.

I'd never call the names of some of these societies that border on elitism. Look around. They're there.

If the Church wants to be effective in the midst of the harvest, we need to pay attention TO THE HARVEST----i.e. the freakin' people who are dying without Jesus. The moment we fall too in love with our methodologies is the moment we reduce our relationship with Christ to "casual" intimacy and lose touch with the people we are sent to serve.



jesuskrazy loves jesus....jesuskrazy TRIES to love people the way jesus loves people (ain't always easy)...jesuskrazy is learning what "feed My sheep" really means...





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