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Do I hate Bush or love the Kingdom

by Steven White


Am I a Bush hater or a Kingdom lover? This is an honest question that I have recently asked my self. I asked this question after seeing a poll on the Relevant Magazine website. The poll asked which party do most of its viewers belong to or support. I was shocked to see most of the viewers were Republicans! No I am not a left wing, liberal minority Episcopalian. I say that because this group is always blamed for being liberal or anti-God (I don't believe they are)! So what is my problem then?


Here it is. I am fed up with seeing Christians raising the American flag above the Christian flag (My old Bible college). I am sick of Christians seeing their faith in terms of political party lines. Was Jesus a Republican, or Democrat? Hey maybe he was part of the green party (NOT)! How can we claim to be part of Gods Kingdom and yet vote down party lines? Have we bought into the lie that we are a Christian country and that God is a capitalist? Ask Adam Smith why he believed Capitalism would be the best for our country. You know what he would say? It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to self-interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity, but to their self love. Sounds like Jesus would have had a little trouble with Capitalism.


Here is my real problem. Do we really believe a political party has the whole truth? Do we honestly believe that the Right or Left can solve the problem of Sin? Do we honestly believe there is hope outside of the Kingdom of God? Last question can we not see these parties are ran by self-interest rather than for social justice?


Do I vote? You better believe I do. How do I vote? According to my conscience not a political line. I am socially conservative (Evangelical) and economically liberal (Mainline). What party has Gods interest? I am sorry if I have made you mad but we as Kingdom dwellers cannot afford to choose another kingdom over our Lords not matter what party it is. My question to you is Does the Church have a real voice anymore can we declare the truth of God to the party of our choice or do we allow them to declare to us what Gods will is?


Lower the American flag in your heart and raise the Christian flag. My take is that the American Church would be persecuted too if we were not in bed with Babylon.


One last note. I am not a Bush hater. I like the guy to be honest. I disagree with many of his economic policies but I don't hate the guy. I simply love the Kingdom more than Bush or any other political person.



Steven White, is a young husband, dad, youth pastor, writer, church planter. He is a postmodern and a social activist. Steven is a Pacifist and believes the Kingdom of God is about bringing God's love to humanity not destroying people or cultures. His favorite book is Foolishness to the Greeks by Lesslie Newbigin. And did I mention his wife is a hottie.






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