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  GINKWORLD: VOICES: position papers  



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just one persons view of worship


Many people have asked us, what does it mean to be "postmodern" and how does one have a "postmodern" worship service?  Well let's take them one at a time - but before we start, let me say this as plain as possible - we do not speak for the whole postmodern movement.  we simply speak for us and how we see things.  if you agree, great - if you don't agree, great - we are simply giving our points.


First, we believe being postmodern is far more then simply a "generational" thing, in other words - postmodern is not only a "genX" thing (we do not like the term "genX"  - we prefer "postmodern.") it is a "everyone" thing (see a copy of The 95 Postmodern Theses).  For us, and we believe most, postmodern is where we get past the "corporate culture" and the "enlightened age" and move to a deeper understanding of God in our lives.  It is a place where we find both the mystery and the wonder of who God is, in relationship with us, and who we are in relationship with others.  Which takes us to the next question.


We believe a postmodern worship service has the following elements:


Christ Centered - we see  We see postmodern ministry as being solid and sold on Christ and all He has to offer - we do not shy away from our faith in Christ.


No Central Figure Head - Because worship is a communal activity with many people involved there is no one person who is the center of attention - all are equal.  That is not to say there is no Pastoral Staff.  There is solid Pastoral Leadership, leadership in helping others get involved.


Participative - Because it is the responsibility of the Pastoral Staff to get as many people involved in worship we see worship as getting as many people involved as possible: the more the better.


It Recognizes Community - It see people, both inside and outside of the community of faith as valid and in need of knowing God's love.


It is Whole - Worship seeks to help us in all we are and do - it helps us develop a 24/7 understanding of God in our lives and it works on our mind/body/soul.


Tolerant - Postmodern Worship does not say, "we are the only form of worship."  In fact, we believe other forms of worship are valid and as such we are open to trying new things.


"Allness" - Meaning, we see little difference between the "secular" and the "sacred."  We believe everything belongs to God and the concept of "secular" is a human concept designed to separate "us from them."


Dependant - It is not the desire of any postmodern ministry to create another "denomination."  We are a "relationalist people" always seeking ways to help us develop into full disciples and to walk our path for Christ.  That is why we are not interested in the walls that divide us into little groups, we have a larger "world view" of our faith.


Symbolic - We do not reject the symbols of the past, and we are open to developing new meanings for new symbolic.  As such, we rely on all our scenes - all our scenes.


Multi-Media - We believe that the use of technology can enhance our worship experience.  While technology can enhance, it does not drive our experience.  It is always substance over style


john o'keefe





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