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rude, lewd and tattooed


how many times have you been told that tattoos and piercing are against God's word?   people like to quote leviticus, "do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourself.  I am the Lord" (lev. 19:28).  this scripture is taken as the main scripture rejecting male piercing, and tattooing of any kind.  the funny thing about it is that the ones who scream the loudest (the "kjv only" people) never realize that the word "tattoo" does not appear in the "kjv" of the bible.   I find it interesting, over the past few years I have been asked by many people about piercing and tattooing, does God's word truly speak out on the topic? 


let me start by qualifying my research.  when researching this topic I ignored the "general" scriptures about not harming the body (if we desire we can even say automobiles are against God's word with those scriptures).  too many people use this blanket to control and issue new, unwanted, laws.  so I wanted to hit scripture that hit the topic straight on, and in God's word.


so, where does scripture stand on the issue of piercing and tattooing?  piercing is not a big issue in my mind, because any probation against piercing must stand for both females and males - if not it has no value, and is not scriptural but rather cultural - making modern probations cultural and not scriptural.  besides, scripture hold that if a servant desires to show his service to his master he is to have his ear pierced (exodus 21:5)- before judges and God; heck, even rebekah's gift at the well was a nose ring (gen 24) .  I am more concerned with tattooing.  what is God's teaching on the subject?  how does this teaching differ from others found in the same cahpter of leviticus?  let's take a look:


When people quote leviticus they do not quote all of leviticus - 

  • do not hold back the wages of a hired hand over night (v 13) - meaning?  if you own a business and have employees you must pay them everyday - no exceptions.

  • do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of seed (v 19) - well, there goes all the cotton blends.

  • do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip the edges of your beard (v 27) - looking good with those long sideburns my friend.

  • there are a ton more - read all about them yourself

I find it interesting, people are willing to quote one part of the scripture, but not others.  is one "law" better then the other?  which one is better?  who selects the best one?  I know - let's work with grace.  then, what do they do with this scripture?


the rules concerning tattooing are centered more on cultural costumes then they are based on scriptural ones.  since scripture can not contradict itself, and God is willing to tattoo his name on our hands, how can we say tattooing is against God's Law - can God violate his own law?  I believe the guidelines against tattooing are similar to the questions paul dealt with about eating.  allow God to speak to the individual, and allow that individual to seek God's guidance in this, and all matters.  here are the words used in scripture to denote tattooing; some have tried to use these words in different ways, in different sections of scripture - 


3793 k^ethobeth { keth-o’-beth}

from 3789; TWOT - 1053b; n f

AV - any 1; 1

GK - 4182 

1) impression, inscription, mark a) in the flesh, perhaps a tattoo (not too sure)

3793 k^ethobeth { keth-o’-beth}

from 3789; TWOT - 1053b; n f

AV - any 1; 1

GK - 4182

1) impression, inscription, mark.  a) in the flesh, perhaps a tattoo (not too sure)

7085 qa`aqa` { kah-ak-ah’}

from the same as 6970; TWOT - 2046a; n m

AV - marks 1; 1

GK - 7882 

1) incision, imprintment, tattoo, mark

tattooing does not violate God's word.  it is a social issue, not a scriptural issue.  if you desire to get a tattoo for "the dead of other gods" I would say, that violates God's word, but to get a tattoo because it just looks good, or because you think they're cool - no problem.  just make sure you follow the laws of your area, concerning age and health, and if you are a minor and your parents do not wish you to get one, don't - you need to follow the will of your parents - that is in God's word.





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