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welcome to ginkworld's "voices section" - we believe that every voice is worth hearing, and every person is worth listening too.  we strive to take voices that desire to take our faith and move it to the next level - we encourage people to question, doubt, ask, seek, find, want, need, know, and most of all we encourage people to look beyond themselves and into then face of God.  

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Paul's letter to the Romans

(for a printable version)


Roman 1

Hey, this is Paul, an enthusiastic follower of The Way and of Joshua the Christ coming to you on assignment, with all the backing of the other disciples to share with you all that God is doing, and will do, with His people. I write this letter to all of God's friends in Rome.


God’s Word contains the thinking of the Prophets about God's Son; the fact that he was related to David and he is the Son of our God. The Spirit showed this when Jesus was raised from the dead, proving he was the Christ and our one true Master. Because of this, we received the fantastic gift of life and of spreading the word. This gift of life made you who you are, and I greet you with all the love of God and Jesus the Christ, the one we follow.


First let me express my thanks for you being you. Tons of people are telling me about you and your desire to follow The Way. God, who we love, worship, and serve, knows that I pray for all every day. My prayer? I pray for a clear message, and the ability, to visit you all again. The longer I am away from you, the deeper the pain. I desire to visit because I see this as a great learning experience: you learning from me, and yes, me learning from you.


It seems like every time I pack and get ready for a road trip, something happens and I am unable to get going. It’s enough to drive you crazy. I know that it would be an incredible experience to get connected with all, as it has been for me with so many other towns and communities who do not follow The Way.  As I mentioned before, something always comes up to stop it from happening. But something has always come up and prevented it. No matter who I meet, those who are nice or snotty, those who are smart or slow add to and deepen my understanding of faith and my walk in The Way. That is one of the main reasons I strongly desire to hook up with you in Rome, and share and grow in the incredible good news given to us by God.


Nothing makes me happier than to share the news of The Way, and the great plan God has for everyone’s life. That plan? Trust in God, follow The Way and be rescued from a life of chains – cultural.  God has this incredible way of getting people right -- right with Him, right with life, right with each other. God’s way of hooking people up is found squarely in Scripture: “Those who let go, and let God really live.”


People lie, cheat, and steal. When people lie, cheat, and steal, God can -- and will -- get ticked. It is in this human condition where we disconnect with God. But we can reconnect with God by opening our eyes and seeing His life plan. Some people like to hide the truth from others; but followers of The Way have been able to see through such garbage and find God path. When we take a deep look at all of what God has done, we always see God’s hand at work. We see this in the expressions of life, in life everlasting, and mostly in the divine mystery of being. Because of this, excuses don’t hold water. You see, people like to play games and cut deals. People knew, and know, God’s plan -- it’s in their bones -- but they ignore His desires for their own limited gain. These people pretend to have all the answers, but they simply don’t have a clue. They mix culture with faith and screw it all up. Then, when you say something to them, they pretend to not know what you’re talking about or they misquote Scripture to support their view. Like “Christian Merchants” who peddle that “Jesus Junk” in “Christian Bookstores,” they are willing to sell it all for some cheap crap you can get from any roadside stand with a smiley face and a “Jesus Loves You” slogan on it.


So in effect, God said, “Cool. If that’s what you want to do, go for it.” But, it was their actions that caused them to live in a dump, filled with garbage both outside and inside. They kicked out all the good stuff God had for us for a few pennies, some fast times, and maybe a little pleasure. They took the true God and flipped Him for a fake god, and they loved and worshiped this fake god. They traded the God who created us for the god who created nothing. It’s amazing how little they have, because of how little they give.

But worse was to come. You see, when they disconnected from God, they disconnected from their humanity; by not knowing God, they did not know themselves -- men and women mixed their sexual roles and all kinds of sexual abuse started to happen. They confused lust with love -- lust coming from the human-made god, love coming from the one true God. Empty of God, empty of love, they soon found that their lives were empty godless wrecks.


What was the most interesting is that because they didn’t even acknowledge God’s existence, God didn’t acknowledge them either and let them run ragged. Over time it hit the fan big time; people killing, evil running all over the place, people stealing what they could get and killing for what they wanted. Gossip and vicious backstabbing were natural for all people. All people became vicious, cruel, mean-spirited, hell bound, lying, backstabbing, and envious creeps who cared for no one but themselves. No sooner was one lie created than they found a way of creating another. They would get rid of their parents if they got in the way -- they were stupid, slimy, bloodsucking creeps with no redeeming qualities. They knew from the start they were spitting in God’s face, but they didn’t care. What’s even more amazing is they honored the people who were best at spitting in the face of God.



Romans 2

Yes, these people are on a deep decline in life -- but that does not make you any better. If you think because these people are so bad, you are so good -- guess again. Every time you point a finger at another person, you have three pointing back at you. It’s the old saying, “It takes one to know one.” What I have always found interesting is that the one who points the finger at others is the one you need to watch out for the most. When you accuse others, it is a way of escaping accusation yourself. It’s easy to compare ourselves to those in need, but how do you stack up next to Christ? You may think you are getting away with something, but God knows everything. You can’t hide from God.


Did you think that you could point out the problems others have and misdirect God from what you were doing? Or maybe you figured God was such a nice guy He would let you off the hook? Man, did you miss the boat on that slap of reality. We need to remember that God is just and kind, by God is no pushover. God is teaching us, and at times that takes a firm hand to lead us to a totally, radically transformed life.


You may think you’re pulling a fast one, but you’re not getting away with anything. Every time you think you “cut a deal” with God, it is adding to your account. Someday, that account will need to be paid in full and God will take what is His. Don’t forget, in the end God will take what is His. The choice is this -- real life, found in the one true and real God, or bankruptcy found in the god of your culture. You choose.


If you play in traffic, you are going to get smacked by a truck. It doesn’t matter who your mommy or daddy is; it doesn’t matter how much better you think you are; it doesn’t matter what school you attended -- stupid actions have consequences. When you embrace the way God does things, life is so much easier. You see, it doesn’t matter to God who you are, where you’re from, or how long you’ve been a follower. Being a Christian won’t give you a free ride. Just because you’re Christian doesn’t mean God gives you a “stamp of approval” to walk away from His path. God doesn’t care what others say or think about you and your righteousness -- God determines for Himself.


Don’t get me wrong; if you sin and you don’t know you’re sinning, God will take that into account. But if you sin knowing you’re sinning, God will take that into account also. Merely hearing God's law is a waste of your time if you don't do what He commands. Doing, not hearing, is what makes the difference with God.


When those who do not claim to follow the teaching of God walk in His way by instinct, they prove God is real. These people show that God’s grace is not something strange or impossible to follow, but is truth at every level of life, found coded in our DNA. It is something deep inside each and every one of us, a core DNA that mirrors God’s love and grace, yes and no, right and wrong. They will know it more clearly when God acknowledges them for doing His will. The truth of Jesus Christ is found to uphold all these differences, and to guide us in our walk.


Just because your mommy and daddy brought you up in a Christian way, don’t think for a second you can just kick back on your religion and take life easy, feeling smug over everyone else because you think you have an inside track to God’s truth; an expert on the best things of God, informed on the latest, greatest doctrine; because you read the latest authors!  Ok, here it is for all of you who think you got the inside track watch out.  Just because you think you know God’s scriptures inside and out, and you feel qualified to help others get their lives set in God’s way and help them deal with confused emotions; while you’re going this for others, who is doing this for you? No, I’m very, very serious. While standing and preaching, “Don’t steal!” are you in turn robbing others blind? After all, who would ever suspect a good little Christian like you? The same can be said about some other things, like adultery and idolatry. The reality is this; you can do and say almost anything you want, as long as you hide it with twisted and fancy talk concerning God, His grace and your inside tracks on the whole deal. The old line the prophet Isaiah gave us, “It’s because of the acts of the Christians that those outside are so down on God,” shows us a real problem that isn’t going to go away anytime soon.


Then there is baptism, the water ritual that marks you, as a follower of Christ, is wonderful – but you still have to live in accordance with God’s grace. Because if you don’t, if you chose to be baptized and follow and you don’t, it’s worse than not being baptized at all. The reverse can also be very true: if you are one of those unbaptized who happens to keep God’s ways then, you are just as good as the baptized -- in fact, I would say better. If you remember anything I write, remember this, it is so much better to keep God’s grace unbaptized than it is to break it baptized. Can’t you see: It’s not the dip in the water, no matter how long, how deep or how often, that makes you a Christian. You become a Christian by who you are inside, a changed life, a desire to follow the teaching of Jesus. It’s that mark of God on you, not how deep the water is that makes a person a Christian. Here’s an added bonus, recognition of your walk comes from God, not from legalistic rituals, or others who claim to know better.




Romans 3

So, I guess the questions become, does it matter who is and who is not a Christian, who has, and has not had all the training in the way of God?  Well, it seems it matters a lot, but not the way so many people think it should matter.


First things first, there’s this little matter of caring for and writing down God’s revelations, His Holy Scriptures.  OK, so what if in the course of keeping track of it all a few Christians abandon their post?  God did not abandon them, did He?  Do you think for one second that their faithlessness causes God to walk away from His faithfulness?  If you do, you need to get a grip.  Count on this as absolute fact, God will always keep His word, even when everyone around you is lying through their teeth, God will remain with you.  Remember it was written long ago in the Psalms:


“Your words stand fast and true”

“Rejection doesn’t faze you”


OK, so someone else could ask, if when we do wrong it only underlines and confirms God’s right doings, shouldn’t we just be complemented for helping God out?  In other words, since our “bad actions and words” can’t put even the slightest dent in His good actions and words, isn’t it just wrong for God to back us into a corner and hold us to a particular standard?  Believe it or not, these questions come up.  But the answer to them is “no way.”  In fact, it’s a big “in your face and get a life” no way.  Think of it this way, how can we know how to walk and where to walk if we did not have the hand of God to guide us?  It’s just wacky to say, “if my lies show off God’s truth in a greater light, why blame me?  I’m doing God a favor.”  Some people are even trying to say that this is what we are teaching, and all we have to say to that is, “NOT.”  They are claiming that we are teaching, “the more evil we do, the more good God does, so let’s just do it.”  All we can say to that is it is one big fat lie, and I hope you will agree that it is a lie.


So then, where does that put us?  Do Christians get a better break then others simply because we are Christian?  No, not really.  You see, all of us start out in identical conditions; that is to say we all start out as sinners.  The teachings of the Psalmist, Moses and Isaiah leaves no doubt about that fact:


“No one lives right, no one, nobody who can keep the score for God.

Everyone takes a wrong turn, everyone has wondered down dark alleys.

I can’t find a single person who is living right

From their mouths come lies and gossip

Every word that comes from their mouths drip with poison.

When they speak, all that comes out is foul odor.

They seem to be trying to out do each other with their sins.

They abuse each other, emotionally and physically

They have no idea what it means to live in community

They don’t turn to God for his love and grace.


Seems to make it clear, right?  You see, when we read scriptures we think God is speaking to others, but in reality God is speaking to us.  God is speaking directly to you and me, the people the Scriptures were written for to start with.  Let’s be honest with ourselves, we know clearly that we are sinners; each and every one of us is a sinner.  We are all in the same sinking boat.  So you see, our connection to Gods revelation doesn’t put us right with God.  What it does for us is it forces us to face our complicity in everyone else’s sin.


Now, here’s the cool part; in our world, God has added something wonderful.  What all those who came before us, Moses and the other prophets, told us would happened, happened.  When we read about God wanting to set things right with us, we know it means that Jesus had done just that – set things right between us and God.  The very cool thing is that it is not just us, but everyone who believes in Jesus.  Keep in mind, there is no difference between others and us in this matter.  Because we were unable to live the wonderful life God had planned for us without sinning and messing it up, God did it for us.  Out of His love for us He put us in good standing with Himself; totally free from charge.  God got us out of the mess we got ourselves into with God and He restored us to where He always wanted us to be, and He did it through Jesus the Christ.


God sacrificed Jesus, a willing sacrifice, on the altar or humanity, to save humanity for all their sins.  Having faith in Jesus sets us in that saving grace.  What’s totally radical about it all is God did it for all to see.  God chose to save all humanity by the willing sacrifice of Jesus.  Jesus took the all the sins of humanity and endured the pain for us.  This saving grace is not only yesterday – it is now, right here, right now, this very moment as you are reading this.  God set this on the right path for us all.


So, the question becomes, where does that leave those prideful Christian insider claims and counterclaims?  Gone, yes totally and completely gone.  So you see, what we have learned is this:  it is not that God responds to us, it is that we must respond to God.  It took forever, but we finally figured it out; we live best with ourselves, and others, when we live in step with God.  We miss it all when we try to control the pace and push God out of the picture. 


Now, where does that leave our prideful Christian claims of having a “corner” on God?  Out the window:  God is the God of everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, how can it be any other way, there is only one God!  God welcomes everyone into His family, and He saves everyone who seeks His forgiveness.  This is true for all of humanity, those who know of God’s ways and those who do not know of God’s ways.


By shifting the focus from what we do, to what God does, aren’t we getting rid of all our careful keeping of the rules and God’s commands?  Not in the least.  In reality when we place our life in the proper place and walk, we actually confirm that way of life.




Romans 4

So, the question then becomes, ‘how do we fit Abraham (the first to follow God) into this new way of looking at life?’  I mean, if it’s all about Abraham and what he “did” for God that got him on the in with God, then we can give all the credit to Abraham for being a “good little follower.”  But if we did that, we would miss the whole idea behind the story.  You see, if we place it on Abraham, it’s a Abraham-story – but this is a God-story, and not an Abraham-story.  Moses himself tells us this in Genesis, “Abraham did ‘what God was doing for him’ and that was the point where it all changed.  He trusted God 100% to get him on the right path, because he knew he could never do it himself.”


It’s like if you spend your whole day working hard and doing a good job, you should get a paycheck; no one in their right mind would say, “your check is a gift” – you earned it.  But, if you look at the job and realize that there is no possible way you could ever do it, no matter how hard you try.  You realize, it’s a “God job,” so you trust that God will do the job.  Well, that trust, that trusting God to do the job is what sets you right with God – it is a gift from God to you – a pure gift.


In the Psalms, David backs that up.  He is saying that if you can trust God 100% to help you in life, and not try to control the outcome – then you are a wise person.


“You are one fortunate person knowing that your sins and crimes are carried off and wiped clean.  You are one fortunate person knowing that God is not keeping score.”


Here’s something for you to think about, do you think – even for a second – that this great blessing of God is only for those who think themselves “religious” and “baptized?”  Think of it this way, is it possible that God intended this blessing for people who never even heard of God, His ways or ever stepped foot in one of His churches?  I think we would all agree that it was Abraham’s welcoming what God did for him that made him fit to be before God.


Think of it this way, did God welcome and accept Abraham before or after all the “legal” stuff was done?  If you said before – you would be right on the money.  This is important, because it puts relationship before requirements.  Meaning?  That God was working in his life long before he did anything for God – God embraced him, long before he was required to do anything. 


This means that Abraham is an example of faith for all people who are looking to embrace what God is doing in the lives of people inside and outside the church – even those who are not baptized.  You see, it is these people – the lost and hurting – that God is seeking and who Abraham is an example for and he is an example for those who have been baptized as well.  Think about it again, God embraced Abraham long before he underwent any ritual.


The promise God made to Abraham, you know the one Moses told us about – that he and his children would hold the earth – was not given because of what he did or was going to do.  It was given because God wanted to bless Abraham, and Abraham believed 100% that God would live up to the promise made – complete trust in God.  If we think, even for a second, that God will bless and give to only those who ‘fill in the form completely’ signed and dated - those who follow every letter of the law – as if God were some cheap lawyer drawing up a contract with hidden clauses and supper fine print.  When that happens, we remove personal trust and create an ironclad contract – and if that is the case there is no promise, it’s just a cheap business deal.  Fine print, legalize, and punishments – that could never be defined as a ‘promise.’  God does not need to, nor did God intend to create a contract.  God simply gave us a promise – and that’s that.  You see, a promise from God is unbreakable, and no contract is required.


This leads to a very interesting fact in our relationship with God – trust.  We must trust that God will fulfill God’s promise – we need to trust and embrace God and know that God’s promise is a pure gift, with no strings attached.  Seeing God’s promise for what it is, a gift, is the only way we can be assured that everyone – everyone, those who hold to traditions and those who never heard of them – knows they are part of the promise.  When Moses tells us that God called Abraham “father of all” it is not a racial thing – it’s a faith thing.  If we think it is a racial thing we are seeing things in the wrong light.


Abraham was no saint – and God selected him, not because he was a saint, but because God could make something out of Abraham that no one else could ever dream of.  Isn’t that what Moses tells us in Genesis when he writes what God told Abraham, “I will make you the father of many people.”?  See the flow?  Abraham was FIRST called ‘father,’ THEN he became ‘father.’  Simply by God’s word did God make something out of nothing, all because he trusted God for God’s promise!  Raise the dead?  No problem.  Make something, from nothing?  Again, no problem.  When everyone else had doubts, Abraham stood fast and trusted God.  Think of this, Abraham lived life not based on what he could not do, but on what God would do for him.  Moses relates in his story in Genesis that because of this, his trust, God told Abraham, “You will have a huge family.” 


Abraham did focus on all his “problems” and say, “Oh hopeless me.  There is no way this old, very old (100 plus years), body will ever father children.  There is no way that my old, very old, and infertile wife could ever have children.  I think I will give-up.”  No way, he trusted God’s promise.  In fact, he jumped head on into the promise and took it by the horns; he had no time for hypothetical “what ifs.”  By doing so, he came up strong and ready to move forward knowing and trusting that God was good for the promises made.  That’s why Moses in Genesis says; “Abraham was cool with God because he knew God would set him right.”  Guess what?  It’s not just Abraham that lives by the promises of God – we can also.  We can have the same stuff told about us when we accept and embrace and believe the God who gave life to Jesus when all was hopeless.  What Jesus did for us, sacrifice himself, set us right with God – and that’s a good thing.




Romans 5

By walking into a faith with God, something he always wanted to do for us – get right with him on all levels – basically, we have it all with God because of what Jesus did for us – wait, that’s no all, there’s more:  get ready for this, as we kicked open the door to God, at that very moment – not a second after – we found that God had already opened his door to us.  All of a sudden, we found that we were standing right where we always wanted to be standing, in the middle of God’s love and grace, singing his praise from the top of our lungs.


Yea, but there is more to come; we actually continue to shout and sing praise, even when we are stuck between a rock and a hard place and life is feeding us garbage – because we know that God is with us and that fire can temper iron and make it harder.  Troubles help develop a deep passion for change and a deep understanding of patients.  Our tempered nature develops a solid place for virtue to set and grow, which keeps us awake for what God will do next – meaning we never feel left out of God plan; we know God would never short change us in live.  In fact, there is no way we could get enough big baggies to catch all the blessings God is giving to us; life poured out in great qualities with the Holy Spirit as the one pouring.


It is so cool to know that Christ arrived right in time to make all this happen.  You see, we have to remember that he didn’t wait for us to get ready, which would never happen.  Jesus stood ready to give his life for us when we were not even close to being ready; we were too weak and rebellious to understand what was happening.  Besides, even if we were not weak and rebellious, we would have no idea what was happening anyway.  You see, we can see a person dying for a person who is worthy, but to die for us – people not worthy – that’s hard to understand.  Because of this we have been set right with God, now we are no longer at odds with God – we can count on the sacrifice of Jesus for us.  Think about this, this is just too cool – if, and get this, if we at our worse and God gave his Son for us, now that we are in a deep relationship with God, he has expanded our lives and offers to us everything we could ever need.  Now that we walk in a relationship with God we are no longer satisfied to just “live life.”  Now we desire to live life to the fullest, shouting and singing praise with great joy.


Ok, you might know the story of Adam in Genesis and how he got us in a mess with God?  It’s death, sin and destruction and not a single person exempt from the actions of Adam.  It was because of Adam’s actions that sin came between God and us.  Yet, the extent of this “relationship disturbance” was not truly understood until God shared it all with Moses in Pentateuch (first five books of the Jewish Scriptures).  So, this huge abyss, this cavern between God and us filled the lives of all people between Adam and Moses.  Even people, who did not sin in a “precise” way like Adam, did by disobeying a command that God had given – and this cause a separation between God and us.  But God is just so cool, just as Adam cause this mess, Adam also pointed to the way we would be save and placed back into a relationship with God.


Think of this, and you will be amazed at God’s love for us; one persons actions placed us in a separation relationship with God; causing the abyss that we strived to fill.  Then God’s wondrous gift in Jesus Christ got it right!  To see them as equal – the sin and death gift of Adam and the life and love gift of Jesus – is crazy.  If one persons actions cause that much sin, and for that long of a time; imagine how wonderful the gift of salvation is when we see that God’s own son gave his life for us to break the bondage of sin.


All right, this is as simple as I can put it, ready?  One person messed up and did mega-wrong and got us all caught in sin and death, then another person did mega-right and got us out of all the garbage; but even more – besides getting us out of the garbage, he got us into life.  One person said “no” to what God wanted and got other messed up, and one said “yes” and fixed it all.


In fact, it’s all Christ.  All the laws passed did nothing except create lawbreakers.  We need to remember that no sin can ever outdo or overpower the greatness of God’s love and grace.  In the battle between sin and grace, grace wins hands down.  All sin can ever do is threaten us with death, nothing more.  But, because of the love and power of Christ over sin, grace lives and abounds in the world in massive ways – it’s never ending and always around.


Romans 6

Ok, what do you do now?  Do you keep acting the same way you did before?  Man, I would hope you don’t.  Think of it this way, if you moved to another location can you still live in your old house?  If you look around, you find yourself in a new place.  That is what coming to a relationship with God through Christ is like.  It’s like this, when you choice to be baptized into a relationship with Jesus Christ, you moved from your old dirty house, into a brand new house.  Think of it this way – your old house was sin and your new house is grace.  You’re a new person living in a new house, cool!   That’s what it means to have a new life in Jesus Christ.  When you got dunked, it was like being placed in the tomb with Jesus, when you came out it was like the resurrection.  When this happens, each of us is raised into a new relationship with God, this way we can see the grace of God – our new home.  Could it be any easier to understand?  When we walk in the light of Jesus Christ our “old ways” are nailed to the cross with him. When this happens each of us is given a light-filled life with God so that we can light up our new house.  Again, could it be any easier to understand?  Our old ways (those sin ways) got nailed to the cross with Christ – which ended our tortured sin life.  This helped us break the call of sin in our lives.  So, what that means is this; if we moved from our old hose of sin and darkness, we now live in a new house of grace and light.  We know that when Jesus came back to life, he included us in that gift of eternal life.  This is the cool part, never again will the darkness of death have control on us.  That’s because when Jesus died for us, he took all our sins with him.  Then, when he came back to life he brought God’s grace to us.  Think of it this way, right now you here sin talking, but you just don’t understand what it is saying; but God speaks and you know God’s voice and you understand God’s words – and you want more.   You are free from sin, because you are alive in God – that is exactly what Jesus Christ did for you.  This means you need to live in your new house with grace, love and light not giving sin a place to live.  Not even a small room, sin has no place in your life.  Because you live in a new house, you should have no desire to return to the old neighborhood.


So, the question becomes, if we are now living in a new house can we make some part of that hose the same as our old house?  Can we, if we desire because of our freedom, create a room in our new house that is a little dark?  The simple answer; no.  Come on, our own past has shown that some “acts of freedom” actually destroy true freedom.


If you decided to move back to your old home, a freedom you have, it’s actually your last free act.  But, if – by your freedom – you stay in your new home and live in relationship with God your freedom never fails to grow.  All our lives we let our old way, our sinful way, control our actions.  Now I thank God that you moved to a new house and have a new landlord.  This new landlord is the one that allows us the freedom to live life in total freedom!  I hope the way I am explaining it makes it easy to understand.


Think back in your life.  Remember when you could do as you wanted?  You could treat people the way you wanted.  You can remember when you did what you did without caring at all for the feelings of others, never mind your even thinking of God.  So, the question is, “what kind of freedom wa that?”  Let’s be real, the worse your life, the less freedom you have.  But now that you moved into that new house and know the freedom of God, all is cool and life is good.  How different is your life now?


When you could do as you wished, ignoring God and not listening to his touch on your heart, you did not have to bother with thinking what was, or was not right – you just did as you pleased.  So, look back now, what do you have to show for it?  What did that old house freedom get you?  Anything you are proud of today?  It’s simply a huge dead end.


Now, with living in your new house, you don’t have to go back to your old address.  You don’t even have to pick-up your old mail.  God is sending you new messages.  God has you hooked into his “instant messaging.”  When you get the “you’ve got mail” from God, you get stoked because you know God is talking to you.  So, you naturally want to do what God is telling you to do.  Think of it this way, if you work for some company your whole life called sin, what you get is a gold watch and death.  But when you work for God – you get it all and eternal; an eternal life given to you as a gift from Jesus Christ.



Romans 7

Let’s look at it in light of a marriage.  For example, when a man and a woman marry, they do so for life – this is how God planned it.  If the man dies, the woman is free to select a new husband.  But, if she does so before he dies she is an adulator. This is how you were tied to your old life, your old home.  When Jesus Christ died, he took the whole “law-controlled” way of living with him, basically setting you free to “marry” (if you will) to a new life.  Now you need to produce children (disciples) in the faith. 


When we lived in the old house, and tried to change our lives, we could not – because old habits kept coming back.  The walls of our old house kept us from seeing the world around.  All that did for us is drive us crazy and make us try anything to get out – breaking more rules.  So, to put it another way, now that you are free from the emotional pain of an abusive spouse, from the oppression and demanding nature that controlled your life, we are free to live life to it’s fullest in God’s grace and freedom.  But now I can hear you ask, “If the law was so bad, could we say that it was no better then sin itself?”  No, not really.


You see, the law had its place – just as you loved the person you married before they were abusive.  It was that love that gave you the guidelines for a good life and set forth certain behavior.  But the problems started when the abuse started.  It’s been like pretending that all is all right with the marriage, and hiding the abusive scars.  Don’t you remember that?  I sure can.  Just as a marriage, the law code started out pure, but people messed it up big time.


So, what happened was this; sin found a way to creep into the marriage, as it did into the law.  It turned a list of “do’s” into a list of “don’ts.”  It made the law more important then the people the law was to serve.  To keep the metaphor going, it took the marriage and made it list of “requirements” and not a marriage of love.  In my case, the law produced a “love for the rules” and not a love for the people.



The deeper I got into the law, the further I fell into the trap.  I was fooled, and left stranded by the law.  The very thing that was suppose to help me walk in the light, was actually used to trip me up – causing me to crash and burn.  While the rules where fine and growing, I was sick and dying.  But the law itself is from God and is good and sane – it’s just when people get control of it that messes it up.


I know what you’re thinking, it’s like I can hear the questions:  “Ok, so that means I can’t even trust what is good in the law?”  “Is what is ‘good’ just as dangerous as what is ‘bad’?”  Well, no.  You see sin simply did want sin does, it uses “good” to overplay temptation.  You see, when sin entered God’s law it did not “destroy the law” as much as it twisted it into something that was not of God.  By blending in with God’s good commands it had a twisting effect and caused all kinds of problems. 


I know what your thinking next, “God is spirit and God’s commands are spiritual, but I am not, don’t you feel the same way?  Sure.  If there is one thing I can say for certain is that I am full of myself.  Come on, think about this, I spent more time in the twisted law then in God grace – I was locked in my old house.  What use to drive me crazy is that I would want to do the right thing, but would soon find myself doing the wrong thing – even when I did not want to, I did things I did not like doing.


Now, if I can think of all the good things I should be doing, but I am unable to do them, I don’t need to be slapped in the back of the head to know I need to follow God’s way.  Then I get the kick again, I know the “law” but don’t want to follow it, and the power of the twisted sin keeps me from doing what I know is right – I need help, big time.  I soon come to realization that I do not have what it takes to do what I need to do.  I can wish it, but that won’t work.  I could decide to “do good,” but I never do.  I could say I will do “no bad,” but then I do anyway.  My feeble and limited attempts to do what is right never result in the desired results.  I have to admit that something has gone wrong deep inside of me that keeps me from doing the good I know I need to do; and it happens all the time.


The second I decided that I would do well; sin comes along and trips me up – every time.  You see, I truly want to follow, but I just have a hard time doing what I need to do.  Parts of me want to be rebellious – and just when I think I have that part under control, it pops up and takes control.  I am ready to give up.  “Is there anyone, or anything, I can do?”  Isn’t that the question you have at this point?


The answer to that is – YES, and I thank God there is Jesus Christ to come to my aid.  It was his actions that set things right for me, and for all of us.  I want to follow God, I want to walk in God’s light, I want a spiritual life and a lasting relationship with God and I know I need a solution to bring about a change in my life. 



Romans 8

Just so you understand, if you are waling in Christ, no one can condemn you.  You see, when you are walking in The Way God’s spirit frees you from all the crap that holds you down and leads you to death.  The Law could not hold us, because of all the garbage in our lives.  So, God kicked in a different plan to get us to be in relationship with Him.  God send His only Son, in a fragile body like ours (except ours is filled with life garbage).  With that, God destroyed the hold all that crap has on us.  When His Son, Jesus, died for us – as a sacrifice – He cleaned all that garbage out of our lives.  He did this so that the Law would be fulfilled, and we would not continue to in our garbage filled human lives, but we could walk in the spirit of God.


Remember, people who live in the garbage think about garbage all the time – they have come to love it; but those who are walking in The Way and in the Spirit find life’s peace.  If you allow the garbage to fill your life, you die.  But if the Spirit is your guide, life is yours to the fullest with peace.  Keep in mind that a life filled with garbage is a life that is no in God.  People who live in garbage have no understanding of God or God’s way, and maybe they never will.  This is one key reason why those who live with a life of garbage can never please God.


But, because you are waling in the light of The Way, you are not filled with the garbage of life.  You have taken in Jesus and pushed out the garbage, so you now live under the Spirit (and just to be reminded, if you live in the garbage, you can not live in the light of The Way – it’s impossible.)  Now, just because you live in The Way, that does not mean your body will live forever – that’s impossible.  But, you will live forever, that’s a promise.  You see, garbage kills the body, but walking in The Way brings eternal life to the Spirit.  The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you where the garbage use to be.  So, just as the Spirit raised Jesus, it will raise you when the time comes.  Your “garbage bodies” will rot, but your spirit will live forever.


So my friends, because we give-up the garbage, we do not need to do as the garbage dictates.  Our past garbage does not guide our current life.  Because, if you want you can fill your body with more garbage – and if you do, you will parish with it.  But, with the power of the Spirit you can get past the garbage and live a life that is in The Way – and you will live.  Remember, everyone who walks in The Way and follows God is one of God’s children, and God loves His children.


Given all that, you should stand-up and be counted as valued humans and not live in fear.  You should stand firm in your walk and know that you are in the arms of God.  You are part of God’s family – a child of God.  You get to call God “Daddy” – now, that’s close.  When we are in The Way we hear the voice of God’s Spirit speak to us and tell us we are loved and are part of the family.  And because we are God’s children, we share in everything that God has to offer – both the good and the bad – and we do so with peace.


You have to remember that anything that the suffering we may feel now, is nothing compared to the blessings that are coming our way.  All creation is waiting for the time when God reveals His children to all.  Remember, all of creation has been smacked with the garbage of life, and it waits for the time when God will remove the garbage from everything.  Creation has been in great pain, but the time is drawing near.   Even those of us who are following The Way are crying for this garbage to be removed.  We wait that day when we have pure spiritual bodies and live with God in glory.  You see, because we know of the freedom, the garbage free life and the joy of living in The Way we want it for everything and everyone.  And because of this great pleasure, we want what has not yet come – but is coming. 


Don’t get me wrong, we will still have some hard time – but God’s Spirit will help us when life garbage fills us with distress.  You know what I mean.  It’s the kind of distress that causes you to question everything and you lose your focus on prayer.  Don’t worry, when that happens God’s Spirit knows, and prays for us.  What we cannot express in words, God’s Spirit knows as our feelings, then takes them to God for us.  Because God knows all hearts, he knows what the Spirit is saying and works in us to help us get through it to God’s end.  To this end, God takes the pain and turns it into a blessing.  Remember that God is not in the pain, but God is in the healing.   This will bring about a change in you that will be of God’s choosing and of God’s direction.  Keep in mind that God does know what is best for you in your life.  We may think we know better, but God knows far more then we do – after all, aren’t we striving to live in His glory for us?


To me, that’s a wonderful reality.  If God has your back, what more can you want?  Think about that for a second – who can do anything that can affect you if God has your back?  Think about it this way, God gave up more then you can ever think about for us, His Son, what makes you think God will turn His back on us now?


If you are walking in the way, who do you think has the right to stand against you?  Do you think God will?  Guess again.  God allows us to stand with Him.  Who can stand against us?  How about Jesus himself?  Way off.  Jesus is the one who did this all for us and is standing with God telling God that we are his and followers of The Way. 


So think about this.  If no one can accuse is before God, can anything remove the love God has for us?  Does it mean God no longer loves us if times get hard and we suffer a bit?  What if we lose everything?  Keep in mind what the Psalmist says, “for the sake of God we die daily.”  Remember, regardless of the problems of life God, and Jesus, will always love us – no matter what.


I am completely convinced that there is nothing that will take away God’s love for us, and remove us from our walk with God.  Nothing.  Not even death, angels, demons, our fears, our worries, our doubts, not even hell itself can.  Not even distance, time and space can remove us from God’s love.  Noting in all of creation can ever remove God’s love for us – noting. 



Romans 9

My heart is heavy with hard sorrow and a powerful never-ending grief for my fellow Christians.  I would personally give-up my eternal relationship with God, if they would simply wake-up to the teachings of The Way.  Keep this in mind, I am telling the truth; I would never lie about this stuff.  Besides God’s Spirit confirms everything I am saying.  Those people, “self-confessed Christians,” are God’s children and God revealed to them a great glory and blessing.  God set before them a new deal to get them past the law.  They were given the privilege of worshiping God and receiving such wonderful promises.  They counted as their ancestors some of the greatest people of God.  Christ himself is counted among them – God in flesh –and still they don’t get it.


So, I think the question becomes, “Has God failed his promise to the Christians?”  Not on your life.  Remember, one is not born a Christian; one chooses to become a Christian and follow in The Way.  Being a Christian is not a birthright.  Just because they count followers of The Way among their ancestors, does not make them a follower of The Way.  Keep in mind what Moses writes in Genesis, “Isaac is the son that will be your ancestor.”  Keeping in mind that Abraham had other children also.  What this is saying is that a physical relation is not important to a Spiritual relationship with God.  You see, it is not blood, but promise that makes us children of God.


So, the question is not who your ancestor is, but how your heart is.  Remember that Isaac had twin sons, Jacob and Esau and, Moses shares with us that God then said, “I love Jacob, but I reject Esau.”  Wow, is that harsh?  Is God so unfair that God can love one more then another?  Think about it for a second, God is not being “unfair.”  Remember what God told Moses in Genesis that God told Isaac, “I will have mercy on who I choose, and I will show a heart of compassion on who I choose.”  So, getting the promise of God is not up to us, it is totally up to God.


Remember the story Moses shares with us about how God saved His people from slavery in Egypt?  God told the Pharaoh, “I made you to be right here at this point and time so that others can see my glory.”  So you see, God selects people to see The Way, and others to walk away.


Ok, I can here the question right now, “So, why does God punish those who do not follow Him, if He makes some people to follow and others not to follow?  Aren’t they simply doing what God made them to do?”  No, you can’t think that way – remember we are human and we think small.  And when we think we know more about what God is doing  – we are just so wrong.  If you build a house, and a person comes along and starts asking you why you did it the way you did it – you would get angry.  Our thought would be “who are they to question me, I created this house and I decide what happens.”  Just as you have every right to do what you think best for what you create, God reserves the right to do as God pleases.  This is God’s ballgame and if God says, “two strikes and your out” – that’s how it works.  God can give to whom he wishes, and take from whom he wishes.  Consider what God said through the Prophet Hosea about those who do not follow The Way:  “Those who were not mine, I will call to be mine.  I will love those I did not love before.”  Or, “someone once told them, ‘you are not God’s people’ but now they will say, ‘you are now the children of the living and true God.’”  Isaiah also cried out to the people, “even tough the followers are as many as the sands, few will be saved.  Because God will act quickly and in His way.”  Isaiah also added, “If God had not saved a few of us, we all would have been lost.” 


So, here’s what I think about all this.  Those who are “outside” the faith can be made right with God by faith, even when they are not seeking him.  But those who claim to be Christian, who try so hard to “get it right” by following some old law will never see it all.  Why?  Because they are they think they can get right with God based on rules and regulations – and that is not how it’s done.  As God said through Isaiah, “I am putting a big rock in the way of Jerusalem so people can stub their toes and they will trip over it.  But, if you see the stone, you will not be disappointed.”



Romans 10

My friends, my heart goes out to other Christians that they might get it and be saved.  I know they have a deep love for God, but they are lost in their zeal.  They think that following God means you must follow some old laws.  They won’t connect to God that way.  We need to remember that if it’s the law, Christ died for no reason.  It’s all faith – and nothing more.


You see, as Moses told us, it’s and all or nothing deal with the law.  You cannot pick and choice what you will and what you will not follow.  But The Way teaches us something very different.  You don’t need to do anything, or go any place to find God and a relationship with God.  Simply want one and follow The Way, and you are there.  Remember what is taught in Deuteronomy, “The message is close; it’s on your lips and in your heart.”


All you need do is confess, with words, that Jesus is who he said he was, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you too can walk in The Way.  We have to remember that it is not just the act of “believing” that but it is the act of “saying” that brings us to a saving relationship with God.  Remember what Isaiah told us, that if we believe in him we would not be disappointed.  Everyone is equal in that simple truth, everyone; both those inside the church and those outside the church.  We need to realize that we all have the same God who wishes nothing but the best for us, and has a strong desire for us to be in relationship with Him.


So, the question becomes, “how can they call on Him to save them, unless they believe in Him?”  Which leads to the question, “how can they believe unless they are told?”  Which leads to, “how can they know about Him unless someone tells them?”  Which leads us to ask, “How can anyone tell, if they are not sent?”  It’s enough to drive you crazy thinking about it, but that is why Isaiah says that the one who carries the message of God has beautiful feet.


Even when God sends you out, remember that not everyone will accept the message you bring.  Keeping Isaiah on our mind, he said,  “God, who even listened to us?”  Still, the only way to get people to know is to tell about the Good News.  So, what about those Christians?  You can ask, have they actually heard the message?  I think they have.  Remember what it says in the Psalms:  “The good news is everywhere and has gone to everyone, all over the world.”  The question is not if they heard, the question is did they listen?  I think they did, remember what Moses wrote:  “I will make you jealous by blessing other people.  I will make you angry by blessing non-believers.”  Then Isaiah said, “I was found by people where not even looking for me.  I showed myself to others who were not asking for me.”  Then Isaiah adds, “All day long I opened my arms to them, but they kept pulling away and arguing with me

Chapter 11

Let me ask a rhetorical question, “Has God rejected His people the Christians?”  He has not.  Keep this in mind; I am a Christian, a child of Abraham and a member of a large church.   God is not “rejecting” His people.  Keep in mind what Elijah had to say about all this, “God, they have killed your messengers, and ripped apart your altars.  I am the last messenger and they are trying to kill me too.”   Do you remember what God said back?  “Get real, your not the ‘only one left’ I have thousands of others who follow my way and are my messengers.” 


Well, nothing has changed from that time, not all the Christians have turned from God.  There are a few who get it and are walking in relationship with God.  Keep in mind that they are doing so out of God kindness, and not out of anything they do for themselves.  You see, it’s because we know that God is kind that we understand that it all starts with God and it is completely free and undeserved on our part.


Here’s the scenario, most Christians, even though they are looking with all honestly, have not found favor with God.  Don’t get me wrong, there are a few that have, but many are unresponsive to God’s message.  Remember what Moses wrote about this, “God put them all to sleep.  Even today He closes their eyes so they do not see, and closes their ears so they do not hear.”  In fact, even David back-up what Moses had to say when he said, “Let all that is on the table be a trap, one that will trick them.  Let the blessings cause them to fall.  Let them go blind, and let them get weaker and weaker.”


Given all that, did God’s people “stumble” beyond recovery?  No way.  The plan was to make His grace and forgiveness available to everyone.  This would cause the Christians to get ticked – even jealous – because they believed that gift should not be shared with outsiders.  Here’s the best part; if this gift is so great and so powerful right now, imagine how great and powerful it will be when God’s people the Christians finally get it.


Keep in mind that I am saying all this for those outside the church.  Remember that God selected me to be a messenger to those outside.  I really want you to understand, because my hearts desire is to find a way to teach the Christian what you outsiders all ready know, so that they just might understand this great gift of God’s.  You see, when the Christians rejected God’s offering, God simply offered it to the rest of the world.  This gift will explode in greatness when the Christians finally get it!  Think of it this way, they will do from death to life is a second.


Remember that Abraham, and the other who came before us, were holy, it stand to reason that their children would be holy.  I mean, if a tree has a solid root base, the branches should be strong, right?  But that’s the kick.  Some of the branches have been broken off.  So, God – as a great gardener – took the wild branches of those outsiders and grafted them into His solid tree of faith.  Because of this, God’s gift is open to even those outside the church.  This is great, because the same water that feeds the “regular” branches also feeds the “grafted” branches.  In fact, the tree does not know the difference.  But that does not mean the grafted branch can “brag” about being on the tree – remember, you are a branch and not the root.


I can hear it now, “But those branches were broken off to make room for us.”  Sure, but does that matter?  Think of it this way, those branches, the Christians, were broken off because they rejected the teachings of God and you were added because you did believe.  Don’t get cocky; remember this simple fact, if God can snap off the branches that grew on the tree, what makes you think He can’t break off a grafted branch?  Don’t fall into the same trap as the Christians – remember to believe always.  This, to me, is very interesting.  Notice how God is fair.  He acts on those who disobey Him, and He blesses those who follow Him.  So, if you stop trusting God will snap off your branch.  But is the Christians turn back to God and see His ways, God will graft them back into the tree – because God can do that.  Think of it this way.  If God is willing to take you – outsiders – and graft you into His tree, which is not something done every day, He would be far more eager to graft back the Christians into the tree. 


I tell you all this because I don’t want you to go around thinking you are “better” then anyone, your not.  Some Christians have a very closed heart, but that will only last until more and more outsiders come into a relationship with Jesus Christ.  So, the entire world will be saved.  Remember what Isaiah wrote, “A deliverer will come to the world and he will turn to the Christians for there ungodliness.  Then, God will keep His promise to them and take away their saints.”


It sounds harsh to say, but many of those who profess to be Christian are actuality enemies of The Way.  But this is not something you need to worry about, because God has given his gift to you the outsider.  Keep in mind; the Christians are still light in God’s eye because of all that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had been promised.  You see, when God makes a promise, God never takes it away.  At one time you outsiders stood against God, but when the Christians decided to go their own way, God sent his gift to you.  Keep in mind, someday the Christians will wake-up and get it right.  God allows people to stand in their own garbage so that they feel free when He takes them out.


All this tells me one very important thing; we have a great God, smart, kind and loving.  It’s impossible to understand all God does, and does not do.  Think about it for a second, who can truly say what God is doing?  Who knows more then God so that God calls them for advice?  Which one of us can give God so much, that God has to repay us for our actions?  Everything we have comes from God; everything that is, is because of God; everything that is, is for His glory.  To God we must give all, and shout that he is God.



Chapter 12

Listen to this; everyone should live to keep themselves acceptable to God.  That means in all areas of your life, including your body.  After all, think of all the God has bone for you, it is the least you can do for Him.  Don’t try to live like every one else.  Keep in mind that God’s ways are not the world’s ways.  When you are open to God you will know what God wants of you, and then you can do it.  Remember, being open to God allows God to share with you His will for you – and that will is perfect and pleasing.


As someone sent by God, I have an important message for you from God; do not over estimate yourself, measure your value based on your faith.  Now, let me explain what I mean.  When we think of the human body, we think off all its parts.  We also think about the function those parts have.  Well, it’s the same way with Christ’s body.  When you think about it, we are all part of that body, and each one of us has something different to do.  But the cool thing is to realize, we are all still one body – united and joined in Christ.  No one can function without the other; we need each other – a true community, depended on each other.  You see, God gave each one of us a different talent to do certain things better then someone else.  So, if you have the talent to know what God is saying, speak out when you know that God is speaking through you.  If you have a talent for serving others, do your best to serve them.  If your talent is to teach, teach away.  If you have the talent and ability to encourage people, encourage them.  If your talent is with money, then use that talent for the benefit of all.  If your talent is to be a Discipler, then take people under your wing and guide them in the faith.  If your talent is for kindness, then be as kind as you can be.


You see, if all you do is pretend and say you love others you are lost.  To be found, you need to truly love others – truly love them.  Don’t love what is wrong; always standing with what is good.  You see, genuine love is what you all must have for each other.  That means you love it when the others succeed, and you are overjoyed by their abilities.  When you are doing God’s work for others, do it with excitement and with energy.  Never be lazy in doing what God has called you to do.


Be happy in the talents and gifts God has given you, and use them for the benefit of others.  When hard times come, remember God is with you and will work it all out in God’s time, so be patient.  Also, remember to always be in prayer.  When other members of the community are in need, help them.  Here’s a great way of helping, invite people over to your house for dinner and other activities.  Do it on a regular basis and not just on certain, special occasions.


If people give you a hard time because of your faith, blow it off.  Don’t get angry with them or wish them harm.  Here’s a tough one – pray that God blesses them.  When people are happy, be happy for, and with, them.  When people are sad, share in their sorrow and feel their pain.  Get along with others and live to understand their hearts.  Don’t think you are better then anyone else, you are not.  Enjoy the company of everyone you meet – get to know them for being them.  And please, don’t play “mister know-it-all” – that is just not cool.


If someone does you wrong, don’t think you have to “get even” because that will never happen.  You need to be the kind of person that shows you are a person of honor, not of vengeance.  Give it your best shot, and live in peace with everyone around you.    You see, it is not your place to “get even” with others.  That’s God’s place, and God is better at it then you will ever be.  Remember the words God gave to Moses, “I will be the one who takes revenge.  I will determine who deserve what punishment.”   What you should be doing is what is told to us in the Proverbs, “If those who hate you are hungry, feed them.  If they need water, given them water.  This way they will see that what they have done to you was wrong.”  You see, if you give in to the hate, the hate wins, but you let love take over the hate – then love wins.  And love will always win over hate.



Chapter 13

God put the government in place, so we should all obey the laws of our respective governments.  We should listen to those who are our leaders.  Think of it this way, if you refuse to obey the laws of your government you are refusing to obey God, and God does not like that al all.  Keep this in mind; it is not the place of the government to frighten the people.  If you are, then what did you do wrong?  If you did wrong, you should worry, but if you do good you have nothing to worry about.  God gave the government of you land the authority over you, and you should obey the laws they create.  Keeping in mind that God has given them the authority to punish those who break the laws.  Also, please pay all your taxes.  Let’s be real, the government needs funds to operate.  People, who work for our governments, need to get a fair wage, so don’t hold back what is due them.  When you do pay your taxes, do so with a open and positive heart. 


Pay all that you owe.  That is all except all the love you owe others, that can never be paid in full.  You see, if you truly love those in your community then you are living in the true meaning of God’s law.  You see, all the commandments of God dealing with cheating on your spouse, killing people and taking what is not yours come to complete unity in the idea of love.  All of the commands can come together in the idea that we are to “love others as we love ourselves.”  Think of it this way, when you truly love someone you wish them no harm, and you do them no harm.


Here’s one more reason why you should be living a life that honors God; time is running out.  Open your eyes and look around you.  The end is closer then you think.  The time of this world is almost over, and the time of God’s Kingdom will soon be here.  So, don’t live for this world, live for God’s.  You need to get rid of all the darkness in your heart; the evil deeds of your past.  Take them off like dirty clothes, and then put on new clothes given by God – made light and bright by God’s bleach.  Every one of us needs to treat people with decency and compassion.  You see, when you do others will be taken by your kindness.  Stop all the wild partying, getting drunk, cheating on your spouse, fighting and jealousy.  You need to let Christ take control of your life, and stop thinking or ways to get out of living a Christ filled life. 



Chapter 14

Do me a big favor, don’t treat people whose faith is weaker then yours as wrong; don’t argue with them over what is right or wrong.  Think of it like this, one person may believe that it’s cool to eat everything under the sun; while another may think you can not eat certain foods like only vegetables  – for what ever reason they have.  If you are one of those who think it’s all right to eat everything, don’t look down on those who eat only vegetables – and the same is true the other way around.  You have to remember this, God accepts both, and has no problem with either thought.  So, if God accepts both, who do you think you are to question them?  They only have to answer to God and not to you.  God will guide them to do as He wishes, not as you wish.  Some even think that one day is better then the next; while some think all days are the same.  Think of it this way, those who set aside on day as a “special day” are simply trying to honor God.  Those who eat everything are trying to honor God also, because they give thanks to God before they eat.  And those who eat only vegetables are doing do in honor of God.  Remember that we are not in control of our lives – none of us can truly control when we were born or when we will die.  We may think we do, but we don’t.  You see, in all things we do everything because of God.  We live our lives for God, when we die to go to God – everything we do we do for God.  Christ did all he did for us for that very reason.  He died for us, he rose for us, and he lives for us – powerful stuff.  So then, if all that is truth (and it is) why should you give a fellow follower a hard time because they think differently then you?  Think of it this way; when the time comes we will all stand before God.  Remember what Isaiah had to say, “just as sure as I live, said God, everyone will bow before me and everyone will tell others that I an truly God.”  I guarantee that each and every one of us will stand before God and share our life story with Him.  So, don’t give each other a hard time over anything.  Make a positive choice to live and accept each other.


I am pretty sure I can stand on the teachings of Christ on this, that no food it bad on face value.  Yet, if a person thinks it is wrong to eat certain food, then for them it is wrong.  And if your eating it causes them to freak-out, just don’t eat it – if you do, you are not acting in love.  Why do you want to cause distress to a fellow faith walker?  You see, you will not be condemned for doing what is right.


If you think that God’s kingdom is what we eat or drink, or don’t eat or drink, then you are missing the boat – big time.  It’s all about how we treat others in peace, love and joy through the power of God’s spirit.  If you are in service to Christ with a good attitude, you will know the peace of a loving God.  Guess what?  Others will see that and know that you follow a loving God.  So, we should shot for a unity in our communities of faith and work to build each other’s community up and not tear it down.  We should not be tearing apart what God has developed over something as trivial as “food.”  You have to keep in mind that in them, there is nothing wrong with any food.  But if it is driving another follower crazy to see you eat something, don’t eat it – lift them up, don’t knock them down.  Don’t eat meat or drink wine or anything else that would knock down a fellow follower.  You may be strong enough to know that there is nothing wrong with what you are eating, but keep that between you and God.  Believe it or not, God will bless you deeply when you go out of your way for others.  So, if there is any doubt in your spirit about certain foods, don’t eat them – it’s that simple.  If you do anything you think is wrong, you are sinning before God.




Chapter 15

You may think doing something makes no difference in your life or in the lives of others, and that may be true – but we cannot simply do what we want because it pleases us.  We truly need to take into account the fears and doubts of others who see it as wrong.  Because we strive to please others, we need to keep their feelings in mind.  If we are not trying to help them then we are not doing God’s will.  You see, if we take the time to please them then we are building them up in God.  You have to remember that Jesus, himself, did not try to please himself and remember what the Psalmist said about that, “if they insult you, they insult me.”  Those words were written long before Christ came, and they held a promise for us in God through Christ Jesus.


I pray that our God of love, harmony and patience will be with you and guide you in this hard life path – to support one another and not bring each other down.  When that happens, we can all join in complete unity in praise and glory to our God through Christ Jesus.  The best thing to do then is to accept each other just as Jesus accepted you for who you are, this way God is brought to the front and given all the glory and praise.  We all need to remember that Jesus can as a servant, not a boss.  He came to serve all followers and make them aware of the promises of God.  He came for everyone – those on the inside and those on the outside – so that all the glory could be directed where it belonged, to God.  That is exactly what the Psalmist meant when they wrote:  “I will always sing praise to you and your name among those who are outsiders.”  And, “Everyone outside the community of faith should rejoice, and the Christians should rejoice.”  And, “All people, insiders and outsiders, over the entire planet will give praise to God.”  And the prophet Isaiah added this; “Those who are descended from David’s house will rule over the outsiders, they will place their dreams on him.”  Because of all this, I keep you in my prayers and I pray that God will keep you on track and happy.  I also pray that God will fill you with peace, hope and power as you walk in His way. 


Basically, I think you all have a good heart.  I think you know everything that I have and will share with you, and you have been teaching these things to others.  Given that, I felt lead to share all this with you.  I felt that a little reminder never hurt anyone.  You see, I believe that through the grace of God I have been chosen to be a messenger to you who are outside.  I am trying to bring the message as a breath of fresh air to a world that is filled with garbage.  Because of this, I can get very excited about the message and the possibilities.  I get excited when I think of all that Jesus has done through me to the people I meet; and I have no desire or ability to boast pass that.  I was the one who brought the message to the outsider, and I am blessed.  Through me, they have seen God work in the lives of many people who were hurting, sick or dead.  God’s spirit came through me and opened their eyes to the message I brought.  From one town to another, people heard me speak the truth and changed their lives to Christ.  My desire has always been to do just what I am doing, to share the message of Christ with hurting people.  I have no desire to share the message with people who are already there – I am looking for the lost.  I have taken to heart the words of Isaiah, “people who have never heard of God will see, and the people who do not see will understand.”  To be honest with you, the reason I have had such a hard time getting to visit you was because I was preaching to the lost and the hurting.  But, now I am finished in those areas and am looking forward to visiting with you all in the future.  My plan is to visit on my way west.  I will spend some time visiting and getting to know old friends again, and make new ones.  Then I will be on my way west. 


Before I do that, I am going to have to head south for a visit and drop off a gift from some followers to the communities there.  A few communities in another city took time to collect an offering for the communities in the south.  I felt it was important to bring the offering because those who collected it were in a hardship themselves.  But they felt that the communities in the south helped them in their walk, they felt it was only right to repay their love and grace with a special offering.  I love it, a community that is “new” is taking an offering to help a community that is “well established.”  God is good.  As soon as I drop off the offering I will be heading your way and I know I will be blessed by my time with you. 


Now for a little personal request, please keep me in your prayers.  Please do it because you love me, not because I asked.  Pray that I will not fall into the traps of those who wish me harm.  Pray that those who wish me harm will see the love of God through Christ; so they can have a happy heart filled with love, grace, joy and peace.  With that, I give you peace.  May your hearts be filled with love and joy.  Amen.



Chapter 16

Please do me one last favor.  Tell Phoebe I will be coming to visit you soon.  Take her in as a follower of The Way, she is worthy of all honor.  She is a dear friend who has helped me over the years, so please, for my sake and the sake of God, treat her well.  Also, greet Priscilla and Aquila, both have been equally as valuable to me in my ministry to the world.  They even risked their own lives to help me.  But they have done the same for other outsiders as well.  Tell the community that meets at their house I send my love.


Also greet Ephenetus, a very dear friend.  He was the first people to follow Christ in all of Asia.  Greet Mary, who works hard for all of you.  I can’t forget my family in this, so pass my greetings to Andronicus and Junia, both were in prison with me for a time.  All the other Disciples have a great respect for both of them.  In fact, they became followers before I did.  Say hi to Ampliatus, who I love deeply and Urbanus, our co-worker in the faith, and our beloved Stchys.


Pass on my greeting to Apelles, a very good man who is approved in the eyes of Christ.  Let’s not forget my friends in the house of Aristobulus.  Say hi to Tryphena and Tryphosa and dear Persis, all workers for God.  Greet Rufus and his dear mother- selected by God as His own.


Let’s not forget Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas and their families.  Greet Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and to Olympas and all the communities of faith in the area.  Give them all a big hug and pass the peace of Christ onto the, 


I need to make one last appeal.  Be careful of people who want to divide you and cause you pain.  They work to upset people and get them mad at each other.  They do this by teaching things that are not part of God’s word.  These people are not servants of God; they are serving their own human needs and desires.  They use smooth talk and misguided scripture to get people to follow.  But I know you will not be fooled, and that makes me happy.  I just want to make sure you see things in the right light and to not be pulled into the games. 


Timothy, Lucius, Jason, and Sosipater all send their greetings and love.  I, Tertius (I am the one writing Paul’s words down for him) send my greetings as a fellow follwer of The Way.  Gaius also says hello, we are his guests and the community meets at his house.  Erastus and Quartus also say hi.


I know God is able to make you strong.  I know this because his Word tells me that it is truth.  I love the fact that the message of Jesus Christ is plan and simply to you who are outside.  It was all in God’s plan, a secret plan from the beginning.  But not the cat is out of the bag and as the prophets told in the past the time has come.  His plan was to tell you who are outsiders of the love of Christ, so you could understand and follow.  So, it it to God – who alone has all the smarts – be all glory, peace, praise and honor, forever in Christ Jesus.  Amen.







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