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  GINKWORLD: VOICES: stories  



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the pit


one day while out for a walk a man fell into a large pit.  he tried and he tried but he could not get himself out of the pit.  over time, he gave up.  one day a christian scientist came along and said, "you only think you are in the pit."  and walked away.


a few days later a scientologists came by and said, "if you truly desired to get out of that pit, clear yourself of all your past and strive to get out."  he too walked away.


then a baptist came by and said, "only bad people fall into pits." and he too walked away.


then a fundamentalist came by and said, "because of your sins, you deserve to be in your pit."  then he too walked away.


a few days later a charismatic came by and said, "just confess that you are not in the pit, and you will not be in the pit."


then a couple of methodists came by and said, "we brought you some food and clothing for you while you are in this pit."


soon a presbyterian came by and said, "you know, being in that pit is no accident.  you were born to be in that pit."


then and optimist and a pessimist came by.  the optimist said, "could be worse." to which the pessimist replied, "things will get worse."  


jesus, while walking, came upon the man in the pit.  seeing this he took the man by the hand and pulled him out of the pit.






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