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  GINKWORLD: VOICES: stories  



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a trip to the mall


I was sitting in the mall the other day when I noticed some very interesting things:


  • there is a exponential relationship between your age, and being colored blind - i was amazed at the number of older people who seem to have lost the ability to tell what color goes with what colors.  i know styles have changed from the sixties, but did colors change too?

  • a child screaming has a direct impact on the time/space continuum - as i was walking along, a shriek came from across the mall - the air moved, i could see the sound vibrate the air as if i was in a matrix movie (the first one, the other two bit).  as the sound approached, i closed my eyes, and covered my ears.  as the wave pasted, i noticed i lost one hour of time.

  • cloning has been around for years - i have no idea what the hubbub about cloning is.  we have been doing it for years.  next time you are in the mall notice that all teens look alike - and it you are a teen, notice that all older people look alike - freaky

  • no matter when you arrive, parking is impossible - enough said

  • handicap people do not shop when you do - ever notice that when you are parking, the handicap spots are never being used?  or if they are being used, they are being used by some 30 year old guy who is using his mother car.

  • very large, hairy men should not wear "wife-beaters" - heck, that should be a law. 

  • very large women should not wear spandex - right after the "large hairy man act of 2005" we need to create a "large spandex women act of 2005" - and please, over 40, large women - no "midriff" showing - gross.

  • dogs can not tell the difference between a fake tree and a real tree - this was just freaky.  i was sitting on the bench, eating my "dots" when this guy walked by with his dog (they have a vet in the mall) and the dog pissed on the fake tree.  i looked at the guy and he just thought it was funny, and he walked away.

  • the longer a man is married, the more likely he is to be a "pack horse" on a shopping trip - i saw a married couple and the guy was carrying everything - from her purse, to about 15 packages.

  • people who sit on the benches need to remember they are being watched - nose pickers, butt scratches and "male private" movers - you are in a public space - please.


while I do have more, they will come in time.  also, we will be listing "social observations" from the pool, the bus and other places coming soon






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