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The Illustrator:

A Look at the Post-Modern Worship and Creative Arts Pastor

By CJ Pankey

Illustrator of Praxis


At Praxis, we have taken a story theme to what we do and what we call it. John O’Keefe, founder of, is the Narrator. His job is to tell the Story of God from the Bible as it evolves through the lives of the congregation of Praxis, known to us as Characters. I love that. When a congregation realizes they are Characters in the Story of God, your whole relationship with Christ changes. You realize you have an integral, active role to play in taking that Story out to the nations. My job, as the Illustrator, is to paint the picture of the Story of God through song, drama, poetry, the arts, the list goes on and on.


I came to this understanding of the Illustrator the other day. I was attempting to write a article, for, and I had some of my favorite worship music playing in the background. One of my favorite worship songs came on, “I Give You My Heart”. Then, this though just struck me out of nowhere. Most Christians give their heart to Christ, but they never take the next step of following His teachings. I have to confess that I have done that. Then Christ’s words started going through my mind. “If you love Me, then you will do what I have commanded.” I realized that as the Worship Pastor (my title at the time) of Praxis, there was so much more I could do with music and the arts for Praxis then just lead worship. Most people get stuck on the outward things of the Walk, but never let it take over the inside. Christ would have called them a Pharisee or Teacher of the Law. OUCH! I not only want to teach and lead the church in worship, but I want to teach them how to follow Christ’s commands and teaching through worship in its many forms.


Yes, I do believe worship is an integral part of the Christian life. But there has to come a point when your love becomes action. You become so in love with your Savior, you will do anything, by any means, and at any cost, to let other people know what He has done for you. The modern, evangelical church has been stuck on worship, but they haven’t let their worship go outside the walls of their building. I will be honest at this point. I am only now emerging from the modern, evangelical mindset and into the post-modern. I used to be hung up on style. Not anymore. My great-uncle who was once the Dean of the Conservatory of Music at Wheaton College has said, “If you can’t worship to any form or style of music, then you are focused too much on the style.” The words of the Apostle Paul have come to life in me. “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” 1 Corinthians 9:22b-23. I have led worship at my modern, evangelical church. But I have had more success leading people with the same type of mindset that I have. I believe this was God’s way of nudging me in the right direction. Now that I have said all that, let’s focus now on the role of the Illustrator.



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