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What's wrong with Postmodernism?

by sean peek


I've read more and more about PM and I guess I have some complaints. Here we go. Everything traditional is bad and will never last and needs to just go away. Everything that is PM is the best thing in the whole world and will always be.


Now I have been in many churches that refuse to change and are slowly losing membership. That the focus is on membership and not discipleship. "giving units" as they are described. and I've been a leader in churches like that. It's easy to abandon these churches and move on. I don't think it's a good idea though. There are many people in the church (not just the old ones) that actually like the traditional modern setting. That is where they reach God best. If they walked into a PM setting, they would be turned off.


I saw this most when I worked on starting a contemporary service at a very traditional service. The music (and music is a major part of any church service) got them the most. Not sure what to do when you don't like the faster paced music.


PM blogs I read don't trust anything modern. I feel I have one foot in traditional/contemporary and one foot in postmodern. I can go both ways although I like a blend of both. Blogs I read basically say anything moderns try just are not there. If a modern church trys to start a PM church, don't trust it. If any PM setting has ties to the modern, it's a bad thing. I think that's unfortunate. There is so much that can me brought to the table on both sides of the worship setting.


Next the modern church does not understand mission. They either don't give enough of themselves to mission trips (whether here or away) and don't want to get their hands dirty.


After making two mission trips to the TX Mexico border, I have had 2 SS classes ask about making trips also. Groups love to do hands on housing. Our church is involved with homeless projects here in Austin. Plus other stuff we do. Yes many of the people in our church give $$ to the missions group, denominational missions teams (methodist), or other charities. They don't go out to Mexico or get up to serve the homeless breakfast, but they might invite their neighbor to a UMM meeting. Their ideas of "mission" are just different than others.


PMs, there is no absolute truth. Everything is experiential.  Moderns...There is absolute truth. This truth can be embraced. Yes we are all on a journey and that journey will take us different paths, but there are essentials to Christianity that need to be embraced. A wise man once said "in the essentials unity, in the non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity." What do you think????


Sean Peek



I'm 32 years old and basically have one foot in the traditional/contemporary worship and one foot in the postmodern ideals. I'm hoping to start seminary next year. I live in Austin, TX where you can wear shorts outside @ Christmas :o)






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